posted ago by DavidColeIntrepid ago by DavidColeIntrepid +14 / -14

This list is designed to address a few of the "conspiracies" or arguments frequently brought up on conspiracy forums to deliberately mislead, obfuscate, delegitimize, or generally make us all look like a bunch of raving lunatics foaming at the mouth with a sexual fascination for bigfoot. While often going hand-in-glove this is NOT a list of false flags. A common thread used is to prey upon a vulnerability or find something they can exploit. This is usually religion. Frankly, there is a war on the pious and a concerted effort to make everyone else edgy atheist hipsters. "Divide et Impera" literally the oldest trick in the book.

  1. Project Bluebeam

Anytime there's a mention of UFOs the whispers of this infamous fake government op (depending on how you look at it) are sure to follow.

Christopher Knowles does a fantastic write-up that makes for an interesting read. We're also discussing video so visual media helps a lot. The long and short of it is this "theory" comes from a man named Serge Monast who took information from the scripts of Gene Roddenberry, famous for "Star Trek". This becomes painfully apparent to trekkies who remember episodes like "Devil's Due" in which a being claiming to be a "demon" manufactures earthquakes and uses, yes, holograms to convince the people of the planet to bend to her/their will.

"Devil's Due" premiered 1991. Serge Monast released his book in 1994.

Now, I don't believe the rantings of some random schizophrenic made it to meme-lord level so easily or by itself. There very well may have been agents making Monast out to be some grand figure while feeding him fake information. If we wanted to look for spooks in star trek you wouldn't have to look far at all. Navy intelligence was behind "The Outer Limits" which is arguably a soft disclosure program for all the weird shit they've seen. "Star trek" is basically that show... but in space. Everything from the actors to guest directors. None of this is to mention the fact they had people practicing medium ship channeling being/beings claiming to be "the council of nine" who the egyptian ennead was based on, buts that's another story for another time.

  1. Flat Earth

This one should be obvious. As I've stated they prey on the religious to be gullible. If you disregard carbon 14 dating because some guy told you "nah, this book says no more than 7000 years old, son" then how big of a leap is believing the earth is shaped like a doormat?

Any good disinformation is going to have some truth to it. I personally believe "they" rolled this out as a way to cover up hollow earth theory. Admiral Byrd seems like a credible witness. Stories of operation high jump or similar Nazi efforts are fun to speculate beyond their strategic importance. Secret societies on both sides were into some pretty weird shit. Stories of the infamous "bell" and so forth.

Then there's the antiquated maps which show earth as the center of the universe often used as "evidence". One must realize this isn't meant to be a literal representation of the solar system, these are symbols. This comes from the same time as works depicting an anthropomorphized sun having coitus with an anthropomorphized moon, lion headed winged serpents, etc. The ancients weren't the gullible idiots that most people project onto them.

  1. The Manson/Tate murders

Leaving aside the details of "the finders cult" or personal interest of roman polanski or whoever else to cover up sexual degeneracy the public would find uncouth, the greater purpose of the "Manson" murders was to kill the hippie movement. Anyone who was anti-war or anti-establishment was lumped into this one "crazy" box of people that would put X's on their forehead and kill without the slightest hesitation because of supposed fervent brainwashing.

They tried to control it with sons of admirals in laurel canyon, for example, but the Tate murders happened at the height of the hippie movement and effectively killed it. Compare and contrast that with things like the guy from blink pushing "academy to the stars". Pretty similar, no?

All you have to do to hide an intelligence operation is smear some pentagrams on the walls. We have exploiting the religious again, and any regular beat cop who isn't steeped in metaphysics would say to himself "of course it was satanists"

  1. "Ancient Aliens" the show, NOT the theory

I'm going to come right out and say anyone who doesn't think the ancient astronaut theory has any teeth should read robert Temple's "The Sirius Mystery".

The show is designed to lump everything into one pile and discredit it. They gloss over Sitchen's work to talk about blobs of paint on the mona lisa. They literally say "don't look at the pyramids, look at puma poomkoo". Then they cut to cock smokers on site like von daniken holding a square, telling you this block of stone is perfectly square when it is OBSERVABLY not (masonic symbolism) "It is diorite!" He breathlessly tries to convince the audience that this sandstone requires diamond headed tools to machine.

I hesitate to bring it up because it is a special case. They're burning the candle at both ends, so to speak. They can "prime the pump" on full disclosure putting the idea further into the collective unconscious while maintaining plausible deniability because literally everything that comes out of their mouth is complete and utter bullshit.

The purpose is to stifle discussion. Any serious talk about serious academics will be met with "oh, you mean like the guy on the history channel, with the hair? Yeah, I love that guy! He's out of his fucking mind but it's entertaining."

  1. Michelle Obama has a penis

The 43rd president may well have been the son of a CIA agent with doctored birth certificate, I haven't seen good information one way or the other on that. People are too "in the weeds" so to speak with this one. Can we just stand back and realize what exactly the purpose of this is? What is it used for? This is ONLY used to discredit this community and make us look like homophobes. I'm not condoning uniformity, I'm pointing out the tactics.

Again, notice the common thread of preying on religious who are FAR more inclined to have something to say about it. Think about it from a marketing perspective. You get all the people who hate Obama to confirm their biases, people who hate the gays to confirm theirs, and it's all one big inflammatory clusterfuck with absolutely no productivity to find anywhere. This is nothing but static.

If you spend your time daydreaming about black people's genitals maybe that says something about you.

There is a clear conspiracy to sexualize children, promote pedophilia, and demonize normal heterosexual relationships. Anyone arguing against that was told by netflix how wrong they were. This ain't that, chief.

  1. Comet Ping Pong shooter

We should all know the details. The internet was hot on the trail of highly connected pedophiles until one guy supposedly went down to cpp with a gun. Ben swan was fired for covering the story correctly. The purpose this serves is again to shut down actual discussion and obfuscate. Make people think they're hip and cool because they know a codeword like "pizzagate" wether you're for or against it.

  1. Q

This one is going to hurt some feelings. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings rubbing it in their face. Trump won, we all know it. "Q" bears remarkable resemblance to the bolshevik lead, fake "anti-bolshevik", Operation Trust.

If anybody has any information connecting this LARP to the Whitehouse I'd like to see it.

Again, how is it used? It's used by the MSM to lump everything they don't like into one big box that is easily discredited.

I'm not going to touch the Russia gate scandal. I doubt there's a person here who hasn't been called a "Russian troll" for nothing more than speaking plainly. I'll also leave out cryptids like nessie. I don't think that has any ulterior motive behind it besides some guy trolling his neighbors with some plywood.