None of my accounts are deleted, you're free to peruse them all. And lol @ "glowing," you fucking losers have zero imagination. JIDF CIA MOSSAD SHILL!!111
Please find one instance of disinfo, I'm begging you.
None of my accounts are deleted, you're free to peruse them all.
Oy vey fellow good faith contributor, why do you need so many accounts?
Also, your first (?) account, verso, has been deleted by you, I presume to cover up your hideous identity, so please don’t lie to me in our conversations it just makes you look like more of a shill
I have multiple accounts because every time I humiliate PutinLovesCats, he bans for 3 to 7 days. Rather than argue with the emotional and subjective way that he "moderates" this forum, I hop onto an alt.
Verso isn't one of my accounts. You're not nearly as perceptive as you think. All of my accounts have musical names. Minuet, Prelude, Serenade and Outro. Like I said, you're free to peruse them all and show me where I have ever pushed disinformation. You won't be able to.
Considering minuet admitted to me to being verso, and you forgot to list DOOMERSLAYER, and ThisIsNotAThrowaway, you’re just continuing to get caught in obvious lies. I guess it’s hard to keep track of all your fake identities
I'm not Verso, Doomerslayer or ThisIsNotaThrowaway. The fact that you're so passionate and so wrong about this is hysterical to me. If your perceptive abilities are this trash, how do you expect to see through "the lies of the deep state" or whatever?
None of my accounts are deleted, you're free to peruse them all. And lol @ "glowing," you fucking losers have zero imagination. JIDF CIA MOSSAD SHILL!!111
Please find one instance of disinfo, I'm begging you.
Oy vey fellow good faith contributor, why do you need so many accounts?
Also, your first (?) account, verso, has been deleted by you, I presume to cover up your hideous identity, so please don’t lie to me in our conversations it just makes you look like more of a shill
I have multiple accounts because every time I humiliate PutinLovesCats, he bans for 3 to 7 days. Rather than argue with the emotional and subjective way that he "moderates" this forum, I hop onto an alt.
Verso isn't one of my accounts. You're not nearly as perceptive as you think. All of my accounts have musical names. Minuet, Prelude, Serenade and Outro. Like I said, you're free to peruse them all and show me where I have ever pushed disinformation. You won't be able to.
Considering minuet admitted to me to being verso, and you forgot to list DOOMERSLAYER, and ThisIsNotAThrowaway, you’re just continuing to get caught in obvious lies. I guess it’s hard to keep track of all your fake identities
I'm not Verso, Doomerslayer or ThisIsNotaThrowaway. The fact that you're so passionate and so wrong about this is hysterical to me. If your perceptive abilities are this trash, how do you expect to see through "the lies of the deep state" or whatever?