You need to get the fuck off the internet. There are no shortage of great folks out there, but when you read the news everything sounds apocalyptic due to the sensationalism. If you want to hide in your room instead of going out and finding passionate folks doing fun and creative things, good luck, but this is a fucking amazing country if you get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to improve on your weaknesses. No one is going to hold your hand, you do it on your own.
You need to get the fuck off the internet. There are no shortage of great folks out there, but when you read the news everything sounds apocalyptic due to the sensationalism. If you want to hide in your room instead of going out and finding passionate folks doing fun and creative things, good luck, but this is a fucking amazing country if you get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to improve on your weaknesses. No one is going to hold your hand, you do it on your own.