NONE of these executive orders are numbered or in the Federal Register. NONE of them. In fact, the FR site says he's issued ZERO EOs: The EOs are on the WH site but aren't numbered.
Ps- x-post from Donald credit to globalistssucks4all
So have faith. Just Accept God’s timing.
I'm not a religious man, but, I am a Spiritual man. I do not believe in coincidences, and I'm a firm believer that our Spirit Being chose to be here at this very point in time for a reason.
Peace and love, friend.
You could always be both.
Consciousness will ultimately come together to solve problems and ease suffering. It may take a hundred Good people working at it, or a thousand. It might take ten Good days, or a hundred. But it will happen, not on any single person's demand, but collectively, on God's command. That's one way to see it. That's the spiritual meaning of "trust the plan".
J.ust A.s G.rand
Yikes.. I wouldnt hold my breath... I'm guessing if we all "Pray" it'll make things materialize faster? Is this how that GOD thing works?