No. This is DARPA-net, and each and every one participant within is consenting to it. It's called the Internet; from IN'TER, a Latin preposition, signifying among or between; used as a prefix. They offer the net (NET, noun - a cunning device; a snare), and you consent to it with monthly payments; with participation, with believing what they tell you what it is etc.
They come to YOUR platform to kick YOU off of it.
No. This is DARPA-net, and each and every one participant within is consenting to it. It's called the Internet; from IN'TER, a Latin preposition, signifying among or between; used as a prefix. They offer the net (NET, noun - a cunning device; a snare), and you consent to it with monthly payments; with participation, with believing what they tell you what it is etc.
Thank you.
Just came here to say this.
We're on THEIR platform and they're taking notes. :) They're not on ours.