To understand what Trump's real role was here, we have to go back to the 2016 election. The media convinced nearly everyone that Hillary was going to win by a landslide. Her supporters were celebrating days in advance. When she lost they were all completely demoralized.
They lost their shit and continued to lose it for 4 years. This became known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). It's a form of narcissism that TPTB used to stir liberals into a narcissistic frenzy in which they would do anything to get revenge for Hillary's loss and to get Trump out of office. They were desperate, by design.
Along comes Covid-19, which anyone with an IQ over 75 can see is a hoax, and they welcome it with open arms and zero intelligence. It's easy to see that there is no pandemic and the existence of the virus is highly doubtful. But, these losers were so deep in their TDS that they were willing to accept anything, including masking up, destroying the economy/society, hating their neighbors, and ushering in the great reset.
Trump was a part of this plan all along. He made no effort to really defend himself or to drain the swamp. He just rolled over and drug his feet for 4 years. All part of his role in the plan. He lead his supporters on and surrounded himself with incompetent fools (Rudy 9/11 G anyone?) that perpetuated the idea that he was going to do something amazing for the country and the world. Nope, that was part of the plan to demoralize the other half of the country, and it worked. When nothing happened a lot of people stopped caring about this country. It's essentially dead now. By design.
Trump is a traitor. He works for the Zionist Cabal who have just cemented their control over the world through their proxy China. If you bought into Covid, YOU are to blame. Ir doesn't matter if you are a Biden supporter, Trump supporter, or apolitical. This was ALL ABOUT COVID and ushering in your enslavement. Welcome to the New Normal.
I largely agree with what you say and it's how I'd always felt about Trump until I discovered Q. I have been in and out with my belief in Q. The thing that always got me was; if Trump was a tool, then why did they redpill so many millions of people...? Like I just don't get it. If the plan was to just have Trump stir people up on both the liberal and conservative sides... why are they doing that? To incite a civil war? To get "lists of names" of conservative/right-wing/truth seeking types? It just seems like they could've achieved those goals regardless, without all the supposed furore and ruckus and more importantly, RISK, of people being awoke to the truth. Because ultimately, Trump did that. Regardless of him being a (((puppet))) or not, there are now millions more people awake all across the world than there were in 2015. It just seems like a very high risk strategy for a reward they could've otherwise easily achieved, no? I don't know anymore man.
But Q has been wrong the whole time?
Sure looks like it. Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy, Trump... they all lied to us for their own financial gain. And I fell for it hook line and sinker.
Yeah I don't get that part, Trump's role seems completely unnecessary. Besides aren't the left re energized and the right full of anger now, and neither side really trusts the institutions so how is that good , unless to beg for a nwo when they pull the final pin.
Because...what truth? The truth that will get you jailed?
Perhaps, but also a truth that is so equal parts disgusting, unholy and dark it makes a man rather die fighting than submit to it's slavery.
People will react if they're fucked around with enough. I think things have come to a boiling point. If the Q operation really isn't happening (I'm still willing to give it a few more days), those that know, know that death is preferable to a life of this morbid slavery. I'd bet a lot of people are willing to die fighting instead of submitting to servitude of the darkest order. I know I am, and I know lots of other people who are too. We all have to die one day and reunite with the loving embrace of God and the universe. Might as well do it in a blaze of glory. If needs be of course. There are ways of resisting that don't involve just going all in with rebellion and guns and militias.
I think we should all rest tonight and for a Few days
Agreed. It's just so hard to think about anything else right now... Can't play instruments, can't read books, can't play games, can't watch things, just can't focus on anything... Just want to know what the fuck is going to happen to our lives.
Good point but I'm not so sure. I feel like traditional families and family values have been eroded for quite some decades now in the West. The number of dysfunctional families and single mothers, abortions, divorces, etc., is much higher than it was before. I don't really feel that accelerating that process would be worth the risk of redpilling so many people.
But that's just me. Maybe they see it as totally worth it.