Conspiracies Mockup (Tell me what you like/don't like.)
Comments (17)
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Color Scheme - blacks, greys, reds -- yay or nay?
Classified font - yay or nay?
fatter upvote arrows - yay or nay?
I didn't mess with the actual text section yet. I think it could probably use a little something too. TD has a gentle gradient for each post. Omega Canada uses thin lines to divide posts.
Classified font is a yay from me dawg
I agree with the font and would be cool to add something along this line. Just like the letter "I" in the example below. Same font as you have but a tweak on a letter.
Are you liking the illuminati eye on A? Or do you mean the size variance on some of the letters?
Yes, the eye.
That took me a hot minute. Could probably use a little clean up, but!
Yes, simple. Plus you have a smaller logo/icon as well.
Yeah, I think it's better without the .win too. Realized none of the other communities put it there.
color scheme-greys (dark mode style)
I didn't mockup dark mode because it seems like every .win has the same kind of dark dark blue set. u/axolotl_peyotl is it possible to change colors in dark mode here?
I don't see a way at first glance...this looks great btw! There was a thread over at earlier about custom CSS I should track it down.
Thanks! Let me know what you find. I'm happy to any graphics (or hex codes) over if/when people decide what they want.
Hahaha a friend suggested a really normal header to distract unwanted eyes. TPS Reports level.
Looks like a reddit clone, and you have a white background
Looks like someone got dumped by reddit and went out to find a new girlfriend who looks just like reddit but is a little trashier and will let you do things in bed your last girlfriend wouldn't.