The Elite has a two hundred years game plan with a renewable agenda every couple of decades to fulfill their plan of the Ages.
What does the commoners have to go with except reactionary whining?
This is how and why the Elites win. They have an ideology and a philosophy.
They have a plan.
Where is the commoners' ideology and philosophy? Where are they heading to?
Where is the road map?
All they do is stand back to forcefully push against the Elite's march. They will eventually get tired and give in.
I know these words hurt, alienate and make me sound like a Soros' sock-puppet.
But they are true.
Ask yourself. What do you actually want?
Staying put is not an option. Change is happening all around you every second. It is the law of nature.
If you acknowledge this ask yourself where do you want to go?
What is your road map and game plan?
Resisting the multitude of attacks the Elites throws at you is not an option.
You must know where you are going and start going there. What is your end game?
It's all about self knowledge.
Find that place.
I agree with you.
So with this post I am questioning the leadership or best to say lack there of
Leadership is vulnerability.
Really there should be not a leader, but some simple and widely popular idea, leading people to cutting some of ties from Elites. You can't arrest idea or bribe it. Idk, there must be something simple and accomplishable. Last one is very important.
There is a lot to think about. Today is very hard to find out something to start off. Even simple and easy idea of getting rid of spyware like Twitter or Whatsapp look popular and many support it, but nearly nobody reaaly ready to do something.