Somebody insulted me in a funny way, I upvoted and said "have an upvote **ggot."
They banned my main account and I just logged into my only alt and was suprised to see this one did also receive a perm ban right at the same time they banned my main. Didn't even know that's a thing. lmao
Anyways, greetings yall! What are you up to?
They tried coming after me at some point a long time ago with the gangstalking BS, we had a few scuffles where I embarrassed the shit out of them, I made them burn a few of their accounts because I had evidence of their attacks, even the threats they sent me and deleted seconds later (I even got screenshots of these), I caught them using alt accounts because they made the same spelling mistakes (simple linguistic analysis), and they never bothered me again after that, no matter how much shit I talked about them afterwards.