posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +2 / -1

If you can imagine the future, imagine Social Distancing, Mask mandates and lockdowns being here to stay all the way till 2050-2070.

This is in conjunction with vaccines, prosthetics, microchipped prosthetics or phones/gadgets, computers detecting abnormal brain waves, civilian conduct patrols, death sentence if you do not wear a mask when going out...among other things.

But the only consistent thing is Social Distancing, Mask Mandates and Lockdowns.

The goal is to use a new economic model that requires zero human interaction WHILE driving everyone insane and depressed.

Many a people would ask why cannibalism, but understand that these "anti-pandemic measures" are exactly how serial mass murderers from thriller and horror movies were created.

If you refuse to acknowledge that this is a fraud, by 2040 98% of the population will become too insane to care. I leave you to guess what a wholly INSANE and OUT OF MIND population can and will do.