posted ago by TomClancy ago by TomClancy +2 / -3

either way it ends in UN invading

if BIDEN 20.1.21 sworn-in, then MAGA(Q) become "the insurgents" ---or---- TRUMP 20.1.21 sworn-in, then BLM(antifa-alciada-isis) become "the insurgents"

TRUMP in office: treason trials to gut 'deep state' show. BLM "the insurgents" burn all USA metros. Hot War with CHINA. UN sides with China. +++++++++++++++++++ diVIDEN in office: treason/terrorist trials to gut MAGA. 100s of "active shooters" MAGA-Christian-ConspiracyT-russian. labeling. Hard Push >> VaxTrace/Quarantine/FeedomCamps. Veterans+LEO finally snap. Pats in MIL lead coup. MAGA wins. Hot War with CHINA. UN sides with China.