posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +14 / -12

The firmament is now gone.

America is now ripe for civil war at any moment based on Trump's Twitter being suspended. (If you don't know what it means, it means international organizations now officially have full control over a nation's fate.)

Just wait for the order that Antifa and BLM storm the White House and kill every other official inside and you will get full blown mass death where America becomes a copy of Yugoslavia in 1990 or Russia in 1917. It will be divided into 3 or 4 infighting nations with both Republicans and Democrats committing atrocities on its own people and each other while hiring Antifa or Neo Nazi criminals to do the job.

And this is where the fun part starts, for whatever reason if there are any Google, Twitter and Microsoft databases of its users in America, they will be handed directly to the militants and the UN. I give you a guess what happens next to YOU if you are religious, a "they people" (Conservatives and Patriots), or even an LGBT activist in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Could you guess being captured and executed by Machete Wielding Antifa fighters or Far Right Paramilitary units sending you to a FEMA Camp? I can guess it totally.

Also mind that the Marxist Revolution eats its own: Trotsky was killed by Stalin and the March of the Long Knives is about Hitler murdering his own supporters.

In other words, expect Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, the executives of Twitter and Google etc. to be either murdered or driven into exile.

Not to say that because the state's economies are intertwined, starvation and dehydration will soon strike every square mile of a state as every warring fraction fights for access to the Midwestern Farmlands . If you live in California, NYC or the SouthWest you are pretty much dead because there aren't many food grown there.

And it won't be just the US because China and Russia will be invading SK, Japan, Taiwan, the EU and Ukraine soon as the Civil War ends, some Dajjal government strikes and issues WWIII against China and Russia.

So heed my words, the end is nigh.

You as an American or a global citizen should either wake up now, or you will sleep forever amongst a pile of dead bodies.