posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +20 / -11

When I argue with someone in IRL about why the Pandemic will actually NOT end until everyone starts going insane, committing suicide and killing each other, they tell me "Why would the government do that?" Why would they shut down all mass gatherings for 30+ years? What Gives?


This economic model aka the Plandemic economic model is very lucrative for the Elite even if it's miserable for you. You might as well as say goodbye to pubs, theaters, traveling or other mass gathering activities, but the Elite and Big Pharma will gain as much money as possible from it. It's the "Great Wealth Transfer" as we call it. To put it short, the lie, the mass human sacrifices (suicides and overdoses in the Plandemic are legend!!) and the internet-only economic model is too big and hot to drop.

There are even warnings that the Pandemic will continue for no reason just because the Elite likes it even after they destroy your health with vaccines!

And people still think that this Pandemic is going to be OVER?