posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +18 / -2

In 2016, there were allegations by Hillary supporters of Trump - Russia collusion, and then there was a Special Council investigation, with an unlimited budget, that went on for years, and basically came back empty handed.

When you point out the Mueller Report appears to be a Nothing Burger, they point to the Senate Report, which appears to be another Nothing Burger, with the same baseless, vague allegations.

In 2020, there were allegations by Trump supporters of election irregularities, yet there was no Special Council investigation, no unlimited budget, no real way to present any evidence in any legally meaningful way.

When you point out the election irregularities, they claim there is no evidence, that they are baseless, vague allegations. Basically, it appears to be a Nothing Burger.

So, which is there more evidence for?

Trump-Russia collusion, or 2020 election irregularities ?

Please present your evidence for and against each of these allegations in the comments below. Please feel free to share this thread with anyone who you think might want to contribute, or who may benefit from seeing others contributions.
