Prepper shit, and things to make your life easier in the event of any supply chain problems in the future. So don’t buy the water purifier gadget that requires a proprietary filter every 20gal, get a high quality roof and gutter catchment system or a distillation system if that’s feasible. Invest in a wood furnace with passive air over a machine you’ll never be able to fix, that kinda thing. Also probably solar panels lol
This is it . Medical supplies as well.
Just to add a thought I had after:
Prepper shit, and things to make your life easier in the event of any supply chain problems in the future. So don’t buy the water purifier gadget that requires a proprietary filter every 20gal, get a high quality roof and gutter catchment system or a distillation system if that’s feasible. Invest in a wood furnace with passive air over a machine you’ll never be able to fix, that kinda thing. Also probably solar panels lol