posted ago by Firesky ago by Firesky +46 / -5
  • If Biden is sworn in, they will crack down on anyone who refuses to accept him as president. After 4 years of them saying "Trump is not my president", it will be made illegal for conservatives to say the same about Biden.
  • Anyone who brings up election fraud or denies Biden as president will be accused of undermining democracy and the "most secure Election in US history", and deemed a threat to society. Expect to lose your job, your social media accounts etc.
  • They've spoken about making lists of Trump supporters. Their people occupy high positions in big tech. If you've ever used FB, Gmail or Twitter to express your views about Trump they already know who you are. And it will only be a matter of time before they hand your info to the authorities.
  • Trump will be portrayed as a Hitler like figure. And pro Trump people will be treated as Nazis.