I was born a Globalist just like Mormons and Jews are born into their religious worldviews. All I have is weakening faith in our institutions and in our prophets like Albert Einstein and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Help me see a new path.
Edit: Graph made it clear my original post came off confrontational so I've changed it.
You're not 'born' anything. You are programmed by the people who brainwash you. This is why you have to think for yourself. Do your own research and trust your common sense.
Anyone who tells you the earth is flat is a fucking moron who does not know the first thing about physics. Imagine being so stupid that you think the sun is tiny and only casts light on one part of a wheel at a time. Simple logic would tell you, even if you are far, far away from the sun, you would still see it if it was above a flat plane. How could it disappear from sight? Does it magically become invisible?