Check out episode one of Legion, amazing show and I didn’t pick up on any negative influences as you might term them.
And the boys? Ugh couldn’t make it past two episodes, Amazon and their garbage are great examples of your point. “Utopia” remake and that utter diarrhea “Hunters” being prime examples
Nah, I'll pass.
The Boys was the last Hollywood show I was interested in and the first season was good... and then it went full white genocide and Muh Nazis.
I get enough fake history from Hollywood, liberal academia and the mainstream media.
I quit swimming in the Jew's degenerate open sewer that is our mainstream media.
Check out episode one of Legion, amazing show and I didn’t pick up on any negative influences as you might term them.
And the boys? Ugh couldn’t make it past two episodes, Amazon and their garbage are great examples of your point. “Utopia” remake and that utter diarrhea “Hunters” being prime examples