This is what I posted : Organizing a brigade and telling people to go there and vote against it is against the rules. Linking to a topic and people following the link and doing what they want is NOT against the rules in any way. Anyone that tries to convince you of that is lying. There is a share button and crossposting for a reason. The whole site is based on sharing links from other places. And now I'm banned. Simply pathetic. This is the guy claiming to be a free speech advocat e. Bunch of bullshit. Free speech my fucking ass. Bunch of snowflake mods.
EDIT: look at how many times TMOR is mentioned in this thread. You fucking MAGA idiots are obsessed with a forum on another site that makes fun of MAGA morons.
I can 100% guarantee this post is being linked offsite somewhere either the TuMOR sub, or discord, or dark web furry porn site (yes they run an official top minds furry sub forum, no you can’t have the link)