This is what I posted : Organizing a brigade and telling people to go there and vote against it is against the rules. Linking to a topic and people following the link and doing what they want is NOT against the rules in any way. Anyone that tries to convince you of that is lying. There is a share button and crossposting for a reason. The whole site is based on sharing links from other places. And now I'm banned. Simply pathetic. This is the guy claiming to be a free speech advocat e. Bunch of bullshit. Free speech my fucking ass. Bunch of snowflake mods.
EDIT: look at how many times TMOR is mentioned in this thread. You fucking MAGA idiots are obsessed with a forum on another site that makes fun of MAGA morons.
I see a lot of people calling Axo "he." Is she not transgender? Serious question, I thought for sure I read a post where she claimed to be trans.
Zero fucks given what Axo is. He could be a hermaphroditic Klingon for all we care.
So weird how the “enlightened left” who hate trump so damn much for being a “bigoted meany” will instantly resort to homophobia, transphobia, toss around the old’ tard stick, anything they think might stick.
“Putin’s cock holster” L0000000000000000000L
Really are no different than those they criticize.
Nailed it. They consider themselves to be some type of morally righteous intellectual demi-gods and will repeatedly attack us for even "defending" ourselves in an argument. They will become enraged when someone is trying to tell the other side of a story or present a broader and more clear picture of truth.
That's because it isn't really about "right" or "wrong" to's about forcing us to submit to their will. They are just like every other bully...they don't want an honest debate, they want to control what you say. They verbally attack and hope that you won't stand up for yourself or call the bluff. It's a power trip for them. I can't imagine the fucked up shit they would do if they had more power...there would be fucking gulags everywhere. There wouldn't be a limit to their aggression- which is exactly why they want to strip us of our inalienable rights and prevent us from having any control over it all.
Generalizations abound. They they they.