Please tell me. We all know the SCOTUS isn’t gonna help Trump now. Unless Biden says fuck it! I don’t wanna do this anymore, tell me how he’s going to win? Where’s the path to victory? What’s got to happen?
I would ask this question on thedonald, but questions are considered “wrong think” over there and the post will get nuked if too many people aren’t 100% Trumps gonna win.
I am kind of sick of these "huge" Tweets and "incoming booms" and all this stuff yet it's been nearly 6 weeks since the election and it seems like nothing has changed...
Forgive me if I'm ignorant as I'm not American but I have family over there who I speak to, who are Trump supporters, and even they have been telling me it's not looking good.
It's increasingly looking like the military is the only way, and if that's the case, what's the hold up? If a military counter coup is what needs to happen I don't see why time should be wasted.