posted ago by Graphenium ago by Graphenium +7 / -0

The whole point of taking up here was to avoid the utter flood of garbage from "the normies" of reddit, because the majority aren't actually "bots" but simply deluded people who have so far been unable to break their chains of mental control. All of politics is a shell game being played to keep us sedated and feeling like our voice gets heard. In my opinion, while there is an 80% chance Trump is part of the cabal, there’s also about a 20% chance he’s legit. However, he’s the only person on the world stage who has that 20% chance, the rest are unambiguously compromised. Trump gets the benefit of the doubt because otherwise there really is no (obvious) way out of this hellscape. I know this will result in a lot of "it was a 5000iq move by Trump to spend 5 decades slowly infiltrating the corrupt world of the cabal, that's why he was friends with so many questionable people!" but lets be real, we came to this domain because of too many people with blinders on, lets not just trade one color of blinders for another. The donald, when it was on reddit, was great for a lot of reasons, but it was also quite "curated". It had like 90% cross-over with r/conspiracy except for a couple very unique topics that were entirely off the table. I just hope we don't make the same mistakes again, and instead look at things with a fresh set of eyes. But then again, this topic doesn't matter much, as within ~30 days or so we'll know if Trump was the real deal or not.