This rationale is pretty much behind everything Jewish.
By forfeiting the "keys to the kingdom" in rejecting Christ (although there is still time to accept Him as Messiah), everything they do now seems to hinge merely on abject hatred for Him.
What is practiced by Jews today is not Old Testament Judaism (because that is gone; has been abrogated). Old Testament Judaism became Christianity.
Even today's Jews will tell you they're not practicing OT Judaism, as they have no sacrificial system, and the Old Testament practice requires a sacrificial system.
The "Jews" who "practice" a "religion" now are instead practicing talmudism. An entirely different "religion".
Jews may identify as christian, atheist, orthodox, reform, buddhist, etc.
But their religion is irrelevant when it comes to their ethnic loyalties. Atheist jews are just as willing to participate in the genocide of foreign nations as christian jews, orthodox jews, etc.
And the two are quite tied together, regardless of whether someone is ethnically Jewish but practicing Buddhism or something.....they are, oddly, all united in their hatred for/antipathy for Jesus Christ.
Earlier you said that all ethnic jews are "united in their hatred for" jesus, now you're admitting that is not the case. Just wanted to make that clear.
We're told that Jesus attacked the money-changers, just like we're told that Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky attacked the capitalists. They're both just stories.
In reality, the jewish communists were funded by jewish bankers, and were fighting for more jewish power, not less.
And in reality, christianity was brought to Europe by jews, and organized christianity has spent the past 1600 years attacking white cultures and undermining our autonomy.
Don't look at what people say they do. Look at what they actually do.
But Christ fulfilled and replaced the Jewish law and established a New Covenant. The Church is open to all - -Jew and Gentile -- and is the fulfillment of the old system.
If you have a wife or gf I saw some awesome advice once for kicking the habit, it seems lame but also like it could work. The guy came clean to his wife, told her he needed help. They agreed to schedule sex regularly I don’t know if it was daily or several times a week or what, but knowing that he would get sex with his wife for whom he wanted to be prepared he was able to hold off until the next scheduled sex.
I am honestly so much better than where I was at in college. Never had ed due to porn/jacking it but I knew it was unhealthy. As soon as I stopped jacking regularly my life improved, had way more sex and found a wife. But porn is still a bored time wasting thing, because of years of youth habit. I’m not a perfect person I’ll like to party and have sex, but with my wife we party and live out our dreams. Way better than some gross sexual fantasy.
Like many other addictions, it destroys the reward pathways. They can slowly be returned to normal, but just like with drugs, it takes abstinence. The brain and body are remarkably resilient.
I think the criticisms of the Jews should be equal to our criticism of Catholics and Islam as well. The Zionists are equal players and when we focus the “the Jews” the hormones can always dismiss us. The info is important to be aware of but also keep eye on target
Some Jews are Satan worshipers.
This rationale is pretty much behind everything Jewish.
By forfeiting the "keys to the kingdom" in rejecting Christ (although there is still time to accept Him as Messiah), everything they do now seems to hinge merely on abject hatred for Him.
Jesus was a jew
What is practiced by Jews today is not Old Testament Judaism (because that is gone; has been abrogated). Old Testament Judaism became Christianity.
Even today's Jews will tell you they're not practicing OT Judaism, as they have no sacrificial system, and the Old Testament practice requires a sacrificial system.
The "Jews" who "practice" a "religion" now are instead practicing talmudism. An entirely different "religion".
Jews are a race, not a religion.
Jews may identify as christian, atheist, orthodox, reform, buddhist, etc.
But their religion is irrelevant when it comes to their ethnic loyalties. Atheist jews are just as willing to participate in the genocide of foreign nations as christian jews, orthodox jews, etc.
False. False. and False.
Judiasm is BOTH an ethnicity AND a religion.
And the two are quite tied together, regardless of whether someone is ethnically Jewish but practicing Buddhism or something.....they are, oddly, all united in their hatred for/antipathy for Jesus Christ.
You know that the early christians who brought the ideology to Europe were all ethnically jews, right?
They were ethnically Semites, yes.
However, they no longer practiced the religion once-known as Judaism. They now practiced Christianity.
The Council of Jerusalem (recorded in the Book of Acts) clearly details the delineation.
Earlier you said that all ethnic jews are "united in their hatred for" jesus, now you're admitting that is not the case. Just wanted to make that clear.
I see you have never seen a "discussion" in the Jewish community.
We're told that Jesus attacked the money-changers, just like we're told that Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky attacked the capitalists. They're both just stories.
In reality, the jewish communists were funded by jewish bankers, and were fighting for more jewish power, not less.
And in reality, christianity was brought to Europe by jews, and organized christianity has spent the past 1600 years attacking white cultures and undermining our autonomy.
Don't look at what people say they do. Look at what they actually do.
Messiah is a hebrew word
"Jewish people can't be trusted, they're working to undermine our cultural institutions and corrupt our morals!
... Yeah, my entire worldview is based on a book written entirely by jews, and about jews. Only a ZIONIST would have a problem with that."
Incorrect. He was a Samaritan.
Jesus was a Hebrew, yes.
But Christ fulfilled and replaced the Jewish law and established a New Covenant. The Church is open to all - -Jew and Gentile -- and is the fulfillment of the old system.
My porn addiction sucks we should all admit that if it’s true for us.
If you have a wife or gf I saw some awesome advice once for kicking the habit, it seems lame but also like it could work. The guy came clean to his wife, told her he needed help. They agreed to schedule sex regularly I don’t know if it was daily or several times a week or what, but knowing that he would get sex with his wife for whom he wanted to be prepared he was able to hold off until the next scheduled sex.
I am honestly so much better than where I was at in college. Never had ed due to porn/jacking it but I knew it was unhealthy. As soon as I stopped jacking regularly my life improved, had way more sex and found a wife. But porn is still a bored time wasting thing, because of years of youth habit. I’m not a perfect person I’ll like to party and have sex, but with my wife we party and live out our dreams. Way better than some gross sexual fantasy.
Like many other addictions, it destroys the reward pathways. They can slowly be returned to normal, but just like with drugs, it takes abstinence. The brain and body are remarkably resilient.
And they remain the owners and purveyors of the major porn sites to this day.
Love the username OP and I hope to see more post like this, revealing the truth about them and their wicked ways.
I think the criticisms of the Jews should be equal to our criticism of Catholics and Islam as well. The Zionists are equal players and when we focus the “the Jews” the hormones can always dismiss us. The info is important to be aware of but also keep eye on target
What is the target?
Look up the etymology of porn...
Good hypothesis, but Jesus was a jew.
or you know they could just be perverts