yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aint that the way of it? You put your heart and soul into a meme, and you proudly put it up,

Only to realize you left a glaring fuck up that's going to drive you crazy for eternity, lmao.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

went to way too much work, lol. You could have just put "trust the science" over the original advert, and the point would be made.

Still good work, though. = )

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it was a voluntary thing, that would be one thing, honestly, that's what we've done to slow the spread of disease for millenia.

But the implication here is that this would be a mandatory procedure, which yeah, stinks of totalitarianism...

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +2 / -1

Most of these people worked for the Pharmas. Even if they're good people, they're human, so unless they saw something shady for themselves, they'll assume the company is on the level.

yeldarb1983 0 points ago +1 / -1

How do you figure?

=P on my fingers and toes, same as you.

Do you actually think anyone in the new world order is actually elected anymore?

  1. stop saying NWO, you sound like a crank, which doesn't help your message or your cause any.

2)I think any New Ruling body has, at best, a tenuous grasp on control at any time, but especially right now, when half or better of the populations of most major nations are giving them the hairy eyeball, and the other half just want an excuse to destroy shit.

yeldarb1983 5 points ago +5 / -0

Man, he's just begging LaPen to take over for him, isn't he?

yeldarb1983 0 points ago +1 / -1

Buying house -> Renting one

Nothing new

Buying MS Office -> Annual subscription (software-as-as-service)

Yeah...It be a shame if someone told people about free alternatives like Libre Office, wouldnt it?

Buying cars for running a taxi service -> Using someone else's car for a fee (Uber)

Arguably, this screws the big taxi companies that monopolize all the taxi medallions in large cities (you have to have one of these to drive a taxi), thus making it easier for someone to start their own business.

Buying seeds -> Pay royalty to Monsanto for seed use (seeds are slightly genetically modified from naturally occurring ones, so they can claim to be engineered and therefore patented. If you then somehow make all natural varieties extinct and you own the only remaining species).

yeah, if only natural seeds were still available for sale online. If only somebody would actually grow seed stock to sell to farmers as a discount over the monsanto crap...

Building a motel/hotel -> Using someone's else house or hotel for a fee

is there something wrong with renting out a room in your own home that you barely use? I mean there are risks obviously, but is there some moral objection to that? if you're talking about the apps that list your room, even hotels have to advertise, ffs.

So why not Big Pharma too?

It all comes down to that old Communist saying, "Never let a good tragedy go to waste."

As to the upgrade language. It's a little sketch, but it also makes sense that companies wanna use the "hep language" of the young'in to make themselves look modern and with it.

Someone on this site said it once: immunity-as-a-service model for COVID-19 vaccines. Pay your annual fee to upgrade your immunity to the latest threats out there (like the antivirus on your computer).

The argument here is to do you own research before making a decision on any medical treatment. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

Think about how much money you make from treating patients indefinitely vs curing them in one shot? Why would you ever release a cure? You'd try to stop any information about non-patentable remedies.

On this we agree.

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not the most convenient solution tho, for instance if you want to plug in a usb device and let a software use it, you need to explicitly allow that in the systems task manager since the usb firmware run in it's own isolated box too. It's a bit of al earning curve, but worth it if you really want perfect security.

and I imagine it gives things like OBS all kinds of headaches, lmao.

Thanks for not treating me like an idiot =D

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

With the understanding that "secure" is a relative term, how secure am I using Fedora 33 on an Core 15 chip? (I'll look up the exact chip if it helps.)

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Uncle had a C64 he let me play around with back in the day, got an Apple ][e when the school was getting rid of them for $50. (They were cheap as balls and kids could write reports on them, so they hung on well into the 90s).

Sadly, my brothers and I went to live with my bitch of an aunt over some BS I wont get into, and then I got into some trouble and got put into juvie. When I asked about the thing years later, the cunt looks at me like a deer in the headlights and tells me they threw it away years ago.

shame, I had a ton of software that the teachers at the school had gotten rid of when the ][e's went, and between that and the machine, even if i had decided to sell it, I might have been sitting on a small fortune by now. Oh well.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

hey, welcome. Have a list of alt-tech alternatives (not exhaustive, just ones I personally know of /can think of)

twitter Gab.ai / gab.com (pro christian, has a novel commenting plugin, called dissenter, that lets you comment on any website) parler.com (conservative leaning community) mammoth (no idea) Facebook Minds.com (conservative leaning community, though i've seen plenty of people on both sides. novel system of payment for sight involvement using crypto). Youtube Bitchute.com (Uk-based, conservative-leaning, torrent/blockchain-based) LBRY/odysee (similar to bitchute, but with a decentralized protocol) rumble (haven't used it, but I know it exists) Brighteon (focus on established ccs) Dailymotion (not actually alt-tech, as old or older than yt, far less restrictive)

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