Uranium One - not 20% of uranium reserves. It's worse.

It was a deal to hand-over 20% the USA's production capacity to Putin.

More to the point:

A deal to hand-over uranium processing technologies, to Putin.

Hillary was masterful at that - finding ways to give USA tech to other countries.


In my opinion:

Biden and nato need to calm the fuck down and let Russia sell some natural gas to Europe - if Europe wants to buy.

It's called a free market economy - right USA???

Ever heard of that?

A "free market economy" ??

Does that concept ring any bells, America? :)

But more to the point:

Uranium One

Now let's not worry about who got paid to commit treason - I don't care.

What I want to know is why?

If Putin is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo




sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dangerous!!!!!

...how does it make sense that Obama / Hillary was able to send 20% of USA's uranium reserve to Putin - a known nuclear power - in the process of building nuclear-tipped scram jets (at the time).

My theory:

Putin isn't "dangerous".

My theory:

Hillary / Obama / Biden, are politically compromised - operating as an Israeli proxy.

Bottom Line:

it's a pissing match between two fascist forces (israel VS Russia) - over who gets to sell natural gas to germany / europe.

i don't care.

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

not worth WW3!

What is the additional incentive for Ukraine to join NATO?

The US, alone, has already sent $65 Billion to the fascists of Ukraine.

Apart from further poking the bear (Putin's entire argument is that he is justified to react to the ever expanding NATO presence - this only reenforces his argument - so dumb - totally not worth WW3).

Is this a move for force more nations to send more money to the fascists of Ukraine - I suspect?


• Ukraine will be approved.

• Other member NATO States will leave - in effective protest.

• It will basically be the end of NATO, as we know it.


i don't care who did what when why whatever!

#Let's be real:

**this it's a pissing match between two fascist forces - over who gets to sell natural gas to germany / europe - not my fight - not worth WW3

for a 3rd time:

...not worth WW3!


Biden and nato need to calm the fuck down and let Russia sell some gas to Europe if Europe wants to buy - it's called a free market economy - right USA??? Ever heard of that? A "free market economy" ?? Does that concept ring any bells America?


Yea so... the pushback on this whole Nord Stream 2 fiasco is nuts.

The swarm of nonsense + pro biden dogma is insane.

i.e., the Biden Administration just committed an act of war.


Given the wave of cancer that is about to hit the planet, I thought it might be a good idea to start a "cancer cure" #megathread.



Would it be interesting if it turns out China actually / basically controls Google. And that Google tells the West exactly what the CCCP wants the west to think and believe?

More to the point:

Is there any evidence that Google is not secretly controlled by the CCP -- if not in totality then at key algorithmic junctures - coders know what I am talking about.

But seriously, fuck Google -- their search engine sucks ass anyways.

BTW, Google isn't a search engine - it's the central spam engine of the internet - generating ... wait for it... over USD 17 Billion PER MONTH!!!

Google's revenue is largely made up by advertising revenue, which amounted to 209.49 billion U.S. dollars in 2021

No shit...

There is a lot about Google we don't know, I suspect.


To put it another way:

It is well know that the Rothschilds were the paramount founders of the State of Israel -- following WW2 -- and the invention / fabrication / promotion of the United Nations -- specifically to "recognize Israel" -- all Rothschild-driven.

Tell me with a straight face that Rothschilds have no influence.

My question is.... how much influence do they have today - in 2022?

Does Israel control the Rothschilds?

Or do the Rothschilds control Israel?

Too simple?

How about this...

Does Israel/Epstein have pedo-pics of Jacob Rothschild?

No... probably not.

i.e., Rothschilds control Israel (probably).

OK OK how about this...

Is Jacob Rothschild able to pass target mandates to Israel/Mossad for harassment / elimination?

Yes, probably.

i.e., Rothschilds control Israel (probably).

ps. don't take it too seriously... ... just spitballing...


Scene / Fade-In: The Gate's Estate Living Room:

Bill: Hey shrimp, I need you to mandate my experimental drugs.

Fauci: Sure thing, nerd - i just need a few studies showing existing remedies (HCQ, ivermectin, etc) don't actually work against the common cold.

Bill: Done. Oh, and while you redefine the meaning of "vaccine" -- SHRIMP!!! -- go ahead and redefine the common cold - call it COVID19™

Fauci: Can do will do, NERD!

I believe we can all agree on this is basically the understanding that Fauci and Bill hashed-out in the "living room" (small stadium) that day.

My question: why?

For Fauci - he obviously just wants revenge on the world. #shrimp #deepstate #psycho

But for Gates... the richest man in the world - the #nerd wants "revenge" - fulfilling a 1980's classic movie plot-line??

Nah... I don't buy it.

All he wants is more money..???!!

Nah... I don't buy it.

WTF is motivating Gates to poison the human bloodline?

Regardless - both of them should be arrested:


Question for Flat Earthers: do ya'll believe there is an "edge" - and that the "arctic wall" that is blocked by the military, or do they believe that there is no edge - - just billions of miles of ocean into foreverness?

Just curious... if you are all in agreement on this one or now... :)


Are we allowed to say "vaccines" in this forum?

I fear it's going to begin snowballing.

edit/full disclosure:

definitely twice vaxxed - not sure (but doubt) the boost.

she has had been diagnosed with uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths in the uterus that can develop during a woman's childbearing years) which she was waiting until after COVID™ to address -- i.e., didn't see a doctor about the situation until a few months ago.

the dr's just immediately assume it's related to that prior diagnosis - what else could it be?!

i mean, ok... she had some "system stress", but she was also a very fit lady - nothing that her otherwise fit immune system couldn't withstand without turning into sudden full body cancer.

i am sure pfizer would say "can't prove it!".

no... i can't prove it. that's true.

and that's how they win - for now.


Do "flat earthers" believe that 1 + 1 = 2 ?

None of them are willing to go on the record with this simple question.

It seems like they are fucked either way:

If they say "yes", then they believe in the basis of all science; and therefor, "the brainwashing".

If they say "no", then ... well...lol... i mean.. if they don't believe 1 + 1 = 2 ... then... lol , riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....


"Flat Earthers" are wrong #819: water drains clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern. #itsaglobe

same for stars:

  • look south, stars spin clockwise;

  • look north, stars spin counter-clockwise;

i know flat-earthers explain this with "it's an optical illusion" - lol - which is funny because flat-earthers claim everything about their "model" can be validated with simple observation #oops #fail

but i was just curious if one of you flat-earthers would care to explain the "water drain" phenomenon.... obviously not an "illusion", so you can't use that excuse.


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