Until ChatGPT (AI) correctly identifies 9/11 as a false flag - perpetrated with the foreknowledge of - at the very least:

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Ehud Barak

  • George Bush

  • Dick Cheney

  • Don Rumsfeld

  • Larry Silverstein (last but not least)

... as a bare minimum gang of treasonous criminals.

...then ChatGPT is only "artificial" - another stupid chatbot - zero actual inteligence.


...unless the ChatGPT has been forked to lie.

consider the probability of least two versions of ChatGPT existing:

  • 1 version designed to identify truths

  • another version designed to strategically lie - perfectly manipulating the masses to the will of the system administrator(s).

"It's worse than I thought - the genie is already out of the bottle." - paraphrased Elon Musk re: AI

May God save us from ourselves.


"closed captioning" and "transcription" - just another method used by the deep state bury inconvenient information. (personal insight)

i can't provide too many details, but I can say this:

google (youtube) distributes videos and closed captioning around the world

closed captioning - let it be critically known - is also useful re: keyword searching the content of an audio/video file.

hint: some transcriptions are more accurate than others.

bottom line:

investigate it for yourself - especially at the API level, where bulk content is shared - youtube is very deliberately lowering the "accuracy" of the transcriptions/closed captioning on right wrong political content (Judicial Watch / Tom Fitton, just one drop in pools) - which has a direct impact on its further appearance in broader search results.

just one flip of one number will drop a transcription accuracy from 97% to 47% :)


I was recently temporarily banned (for 7 days) from /r/conspiracy for "promoting hate".


the message i received from reddit gave me a link to the "reported content":

spoiler: reddit mods have deleted the reported content.

i.e., they won't tell me which comment I posted promoted hate.

I sent a message to the mods - asking them if this was intentional or a bug?

No response.

Fortunately, u/pizzakek gave me an archived link:

Oops... now deleted from backups.

OK, so from memory:

REDDIT ANON: "Why do you have an issue with transpeople playing women's sports?"


  • "Why do you have an issue with transpeople MEN playing women's sports?"

That was it.

Banned for 7 days, because I called a "trans" a "man".

Let that sink in...

I was banned from /R/CONSPIRACY !!!! for calling a "transperson" a "man" - in the comments section - responding to a question: why not trans in women's sports. lol!! LOL!!!

i'm "promoting hate" they said... !!! BWAAAAALOL!!!**

"woke mind virus", indeed.

#goelon !!!!


I said Brittney was a male.

But it was something I said in the comments section that got me banned.

Here is a link reddit sent me to the reported content:


spoiler: the content has been deleted. so... basically they banned me for something I said, but won't show me what it was that triggered the ban.

unfortunately, i have no memory of what i said in that specific post.

is this a feature or a bug? :D


Even if it's "old news".

Especially since it's "old news" ?


win = isralies win:

bitch and moan all they will (#shocker that a #jew would bitch and moan about something), israel sucks and Australia is way better... it would be a massive upgrade for every so called israeli.

win = australia wins: the economy would boom - not saying this because "jews" (although there is that), i am just saying that australia has always had a population problem (not enough people). money and opportunities would flow into australia.

win = palestine wins. literally.

win = the world wins - yay - mideast peace - yay australia rocks! put a shrimp on the barbie!!

/prove me wrong


Does anyone know VOAT's backstory? What happened? Why did they shut down? Does anyone know who was / how to contact the owner?



Is there a test that will show if someone has been injected with COVID19™ vaccines?

i am assuming not.

At least not commercially.

And if not, why not - I wonder.


We need a test that will show is someone has been vacciated.

And we need to make every single politician submit to the test.

The WEF et al. don't have the power to force - only the ability to anticipate.

The NWO is not an agenda - it's an inevitability.

Technology (the internet et al) is totally disrupting every nook so society.

Not since the "advent" of fire has humanity seen this rate of advancement (i.e., it's like going 0 - 100 all over again, but starting at 100 and going to 1000 - if that makes sense).

The NWO is simply the result of an unprecedented technological revolution.

"Do you support the NWO?" is a false question.

The question needs to be: whom will the NWO benefit?

The NWO could benefit all of humanity.

Fire can be used to cook an egg or set a village ablaze.

It's our choice how AI et al. impacts humanity.

But it will impact humanity - and much much more than it has already.


Alert!! Chinese-State-owned Police Stations have (already) been installed in major cities, including Toronto (authorized by Trudeau) and New York City (authorized by Biden).

  1. WTF

  2. Seriously?

  3. I feel like I woke up in a completely new universe.

  4. Biden = #treason

  5. Trudeau = #treason

hahaha I love that ... "livemint" article:

"yea sure the Chinese are installing Chinese-state Police stations in your cities.... but but but... here's why... it's fine!"



China in an attempt to keep an eye on the Chinese-Canadian diaspora has opened three police stations in Canada according to a report published by Safeguard Defenders, which is an Asain Human rights group.


Google define: diaspora

the dispersion of the Jewish people beyond Israel. Jewish people living outside Israel. the dispersion of any people from their original homeland. plural noun: diasporas "the diaspora of boat people from Asia"

  1. odd choice of phrasing, noting the primary definition

  2. interesting that people from asia used as the second example

i.e., not latin america or any other region

just a coincidence im sure (there are no coincidence)

  1. i wonder how they intend to prevent the chinese police from accidentally spying on non-chinese "diaspora"

  2. how do they define: "chinese diaspora" ?? i mean.. how many generations of american do you need to be before china doesn't consider you to be a "diaspora"

5. am i considered a nationalist / racist if i believe chinese cops should not be allowed to patrol US streets?

  1. how is this even real? Canada and US ? to monitor chinese "diaspora" ?


Zio-fascists have partnered with China

(it's possible zio-fascists are already be in control of China)

And are moving to establish CCP-style population control mechanisms around the world.

One Central Government to Rule Them All

One Central Bank to Rule Them All


  1. "central concentration of power" == "single point of failure"
  • not stable

  • vulnerable

  • a losing proposition

  1. "zio"

I say zio because:

  • the use of jargon primarily associated with Jewish culture

  • the use of a "human rights NGO" wink wink ("Safeguard Defenders") to speak on behalf of of the CCP.

  • investigate livemint.com (how did they get the scoop?)

  • investigate "Safeguard Defenders" (how do they have any authority to speak on behalf of the CCP, according to livemint.com) ?

as i theorize:

the zionists are backing (gained control over?) china ... and now positioning "security forces" across the globe - using mass media to make it OK / normalize.


WARNING: The Next Big Bot Wave will make the internet useless: bots will complain about bots to comment slide entire forums.

WEF via New Zealand PM and others has already stated that "free speech is a weapon" that needs defending against.

1984 much?

Mark my words, AI farms are about to unleash bots that complain about bots - to comment slide anything they don't want you to see.

Free speech means the freedom to edit.

hey mods - hint hint ;)

don't let this forum get tsunamied with bot porn in the name of "free speech" - please

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