Are ALL accounts here completely authentic? If you are a Jewish Unit8200 staffer what would be the best way to subvert this place or other forums like it? How can you change the consensus?
Shills come in all shapes and form. The worst shills are the ones who you will never suspect of being one.
Imagine if donpon, XxxRDTPRNxxX, DrLeaks2 and vpnsurfer are all the same person? It only takes one staffer hired full-time to completely subvert this place and 4 or 5 more forums like it. They can have a simple piece of software to manage their different personas and accounts.
-donpon spreading flat earth.
-DrLeaks2 making endless posts about nothing really with a dedicated effort.
-vpnsurfer pretending to be just a normie hanging out on a conspiracy forum
-XxxRDTPRNxxX pretending to be an American Jew fully supportive of his people who can do no wrong.
And a few more accounts that are created some time ago and made couple of posts who can be revived.
No, not everyone who disagrees with me is a shill nor is everyone supportive of militant Jewish militias. And one or all of the above could be legit users who are not shills. But you must also consider the possibility that there are some shills here and it's interesting how their tactics is mostly about deflecting hate and anti-Jewish sentiments into targets which are not the cause of anything.
Are "Negros" or "Sand Niggers" the cause of everyone's problems? Whose behind it all? What is the root cause?
TLDR: What's your take? Mine is that Jews have dropped the ball and didn't plan everything and that things in the very least are not going according to plan.
In conspiracy circles, the main circulating narrative is that Jewish militias (i.e. Israel) has had everything planned from the get go, anticipated October 7th and was waiting for it to launch its genocidal/expulsion plan AND that Hamas is completely in bed with Jewish militias.
While I have personally initially ascribed to Jewish militias having planned this beforehand I now believe there is a lot more to it and that current evidence indicates we need to consider Israelis didn't plan October 7th.
Fact, Jewish militias did indeed prefer Hamas to divide the PLO/Palestinians and because they make it easier to demonize the Palestinians and keep war options open.
-If Jewish militias planned this, couldn't they postpone it until after normalization with Saudi Arabia which was almost a done deal? The timing of October 7th was inconvenient to say the least.
-If Jewish militias planned this, they could have prepared a better media narrative. You know like what they did with COVID. Their current execution is poor at best.
-Were they planning to reduce divisions in Israeli/Jewish community? It doesn't seem to work.
-What was their military plan? Whatever it was it doesn't seem to be that great. Just recently Hamas announced they have a Jewish militia colonel whom Jewish militias declared was killed and had his wife cry over him on TV. Palestinian resistance even captured more Jewish militia members recently. It just looks like the whole October 7th took Jewish militias off guard.
I give credence to the possibility that maybe Netanyahu and his inner circle may have known about October 7th, maybe other officers against him knew about it and wanted to embarrass him. Even Palestinian resistance themselves were surprised how easy it was to take over Jewish militias on October 7th. All that said I do not think Jewish militias planned the timing or most certainly how things have gone so far.
Even in the Lebanese front, things are not going so well for Jewish militias.
It's well understood that not ALL open source is controlled. But IMO the bigger open source projects that get funding are all or mostly Jewish.
For example, meet Richard Stallman, a highly influential figure in the open source project of Linux. Who was he? Nothing but an ordinary Jewish pedophile who defended Jeffery Epstein and promoted pedophelia.
Richard Stallman was also the mentor of Bradley M. Kuhn who funded another "Open Source" game engine called Godot through a Brooklyn Jewish fund called Software Freedom Conservancy.
I mention how game engine Godot is also Jewish because from my earlier research on Robert Maxwell, I found out that they were trying to control the gaming industry early on with his son Kevin by trying to buy up games like Tetris.
In short, anything that is big is also controlled by them even if it's offered as a "free, freedom loving alternative".
Previously I have made a post regarding an old version of a propaganda manual Jewish miltias use called: "Luntz Report Global Language Dictionary The Israel Project 2009"
It was archived on
Guess what happened to it? It disappeared.
So in short, they heard us all into using which is controlled by them so they can easily delete the important stuff they want expunged or altered. Any alternative can't compete because gets all the money. is their tool.
BTW this is the manual they really wanted to disappear: Please try to spread it far and wide to teach Jewish militias they can't make things disappear.
Edit: Just to be more clear. The website is more or less working but what I mean by scam is that you shouldn't really trust it or trust that your links are safe there. They are most certainly not. If you care about something save it on your drive as well.
Jewish militias recently targeted aid workers. Was it just a mad rampage of the Jew or a coordinated per-planned operation?
It looks like those aid workers were sacrificed by the heads of that company.
They stopped UNRWA and everyone else from supplying aid, they then got one of their companies to be the only one allowed in.
Instead of delivering aid through land, they built a port using rubble containing human remains.
Before delivering any significant amount of aid, the Israelis killed some of the staff so that ALL aid is stopped! They didn't care about the bad publicity. They wanted it so that no aid worker goes there. All planned.
Most interesting of all that Jose Andres, chief of World Central Kitchen used to provide Jewish militias with supplies before October 7th! And he was a strong supporter of Jewish militias:
Thanks go to the creator of this bitchute video for uncovering this: