So, there has been a lot of talk about the events in Gaza, the Palestinian occupied lands and the jewish supremacists controlling it (i.e what some call israel).

What happened:

1-Unbeknowst to many, An important number of prime properties in Jerusalem have been stolen by israelis. This happens on a regular basis but have accelerated in the last month.

2-Mass arrests of Palestinians inside Jerusalem and other parts of occupied Palestine (i.e israel). Thousands of Alpha males have been arrested in preparation of what's to come and to speed up culling the Palestinians. Those arrested will suffer torture and will be culled using "vaccines" or experimental drugs or kept rotting in prison. Again this has been going for a while but accelerated and happened in mass recently.

3-The seeds for complete massacres of the Palestinians have been planted through civil unrest. (i.e what they will call civil war while in fact it will be one sided murders by crazed jewish fanatics.)

4-Paved the ground for future "peace" agreement with Hamas which will lead to the people of Gaza being sent to the Sinai desert with building projects profiting AL-Sisi dictatorship in Egypt.

5-Iron dome marketing for the Saudis and Emiratis. Iron dome is fake but they will sell it for billions and Hamas is working for the israelis and everything has been carefully orchestrated.

6-A minor detail was that israel have given Hamas land property inside Gaza by carefully eradicating entire extended families in the most expensive parts of Gaza.

What will happen in the future

1-Maassacares and forced immigration of Palestinians living inside occupied Palestine (i.e israel), it will be called a civil war, while in reality it will be crazed jewish fanatics killing all the Palestinians they can get their hands on. Same as this was called a war between Gaza and israel while in fact it was one sided all the way. This will solve the demographics problem for israelis.

2-A "peace" treaty with their friends Hamas which will end in them rebuilding or being moved to Sinai

3-Acheiving complete jewish control and hegemony inside Jerusalem and destroying Christian and Islamic holy sites to rebuild the temple mount before declaring Jerusalem the capital of the jew world order.

Other details are how netanyahu pretended that they didn't know what to do with Gaza, and also how the israelis have made psyop about the vaccines while in reality they didn't give most of their population any real vaccines, while the Palestinians probably got the needed culling agent.


A thought we all had! Culling the sheeple (those who are willingly vaccinating), seems in some ways too good to be true, they cannot possibly cull those who are obedient, those are the last ones they want to get rid of, whom they really want to git rid of are basically us. Those very few who are on a site like this. For this reason, maybe the vaccine is not dangerous and why not go with the herd, life will certainly be a lot easier?

For those who had the same idea, these are the counter arguments:

-It is possible that not all the vaccines are real, some might be placebo, this means they can keep the right amount of sheeple they need.

-The jewish rabbis in control might be going for thinning the herd to as low as 500 million or even lower, this means getting rid of A LOT of people which includes most of the sheeple. Later they can have other ways to deal with those who refuse the vaccine. After all they literally have armies of people working for them.

-There are a lot of possibilities for what the vaccines are for.

*Vaccine introduction could be a boil the frog strategy, where those initial vaccines do not kill that many, but later when years pass and people are not fighting them that much and resistance dies down, they start killing more and more.

*Vaccines could be about an identification, could be about facilitating control through some sort of radio waves or some sort of nefarious thing we do not understand.

*Vaccines could be about only culling the weak and the elderly or shortening their life spans and not 100% lethal for all.

-Also a possibility is that the economic fallout for those who do not want to vaccinate means they will be culled in the long term. Can't have a family if you cannot find a job because you refuse to vaccinate.

Most importantly of all, anyone who gets the jab is giving away all of his sovereignty to government (to the jew) and is giving government the ability to decide what to do with his life.

Also finally, if you haven't seen it first hand already, We have confirmation those vaccines are deadly and that there is something in them! How deadly? What percentage? What will happen in a year, 5 or 10 from now to those vaccinated? I do not know.

But I have first hand experience in noticing more deaths especially amongst the elderly after vaccination started.


There is a lot of talk about the war between israel and Palestine, etc.. For a start: THERE IS NO WAR. WAR NEEDS TWO ARMIES which is not the case,

These are the goals the israelis have long dreamed of achieving: 1-Completely eradicating all Palestinians living inside Palestine (What they call israel). This includes: so called israel (parts of Palestine awaiting liberation since 1948), the west bank and Gaza.

2-Rebuilding the temple mount to replace the Christian and Islamic holy sites.

Details -Gaza population is particularly troublesome for the jewish supremacists, very high density of population, mostly children. Which they cannot occupy directly. They need an excuse to kill them off. What better excuse than having some Hamas goons launching plumbing pipes filled with firecrackers? No real harm is done to israelis, it increase IDF recruitment rates and gives justification to kill every Palestinian. Or an excuse to send Palestinians living in Gaza to Egypt or some where else as part of a "peace plan".

-Palestinians living inside the parts of Palestine awaiting liberation since 1948 (israel) and inside Jerusalem are also very troublesome for jewish supremacist. Jerusalem must be, according to them, 100% jewish, no Christians or Muslims will be allowed. For that they need to get rid of them, but what to do? Israeli solution: instigate violence, then later provide the solution (mass arrests for Palestinian young men, forceful removal into ghettos away from Jerusalem, and later forced immigration. Things will not go back to the way it used to be before the latest streak of violence.

We can go on longer, but basically what is happening is the jewish plan for the removal of Palestinians in preparation for their moshiah and the complete enslavement of all goys


In many places around the world now, some people who apply to the vaccine are told to wait because they say they have "limited" supply.

For anyone who knows the real deal, it might come as a surprise since we assume these so called "vaccines" have been prepared many years in advance, so why do the parasites in control do this?

It's a marketing ploy! If you are selling something, you want it always to appear like it's in demand and almost about to run out, anyone in business will understand this.

They will never openly declare that not many people want the vaccine, they will instead say, we have run out of supplies!

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