I wrote this as a comment reply. It's longer than intended so I am sharing it here for anyone who is interested.

Palestine is roughly the area in between the Jordan river (Which is almost dry now BTW) and the Mediterranean sea. Historically, and by that I mean 3,000 years ago till about 150 years ago, there was nothing of the sort of nation states that we have now. Primitive people, clans and empires fought and came and went in that region.

To the misfortune of the current native people of Palestine (The Palestinians). Between 3,400 years and 2,000 years ago a very primitive and cannibalistic tribe of Jewish people passed that area for a very brief amount of time (Supposedly). Followers of that despicable Jewish creed made up lies and fables of how great their (Supposed) state was and how they will one day return to it and how their blood thirsty god promised it to them. It's not sure if so called Jews really ever set foot in historical Palestine BTW or if modern day Jews have anything to do with the supposed ancient Jews who supposedly were in Palestine.

Palestine is important to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Jews believe it's the land their blood thirsty god promised to them and the place they plan to control and enslave the world from.

Christians believe it's the birthplace of Christ. They waged many wars to control it (Called the crusades and which BTW was partly instigated by the Jews but no one will tell you that and I had to dig it up)

Muslims also believe Palestine is important because of Al-Aqsa mosque which is specially important for them and because of Jesus Christ whom they believe was a prophet.

Since 600 till 1918 Palestine was inhabited by Muslim Arabs (Some Christians also and a tiny minority of Jews). They are the ones who planted all the olive trees there and built all the cities. There was a short period of Crusader control but even during that time Arabs remained in most areas of Palestine. You could call these Arabs (Muslims and Christians) who were living there Palestinians. Again there was no such thing as nation state roughly speaking. For example the Ottoman empire, controlled modern day Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya etc.. and back then there was nothing called Moroccan, Libyan etc.. But this doesn't mean these countries and areas were empty or didn't have a native population.

After world war one, the Ottoman empire was finished, the English stole Palestine and many other Ottoman regions. The English then gave the Jews Palestine in a more or less pseudo war in 1948 (Both sides were controlled by the English and by the English I mean the Jews controlling England). The Jordanian army for example was the "Arab Legion" of the British Army and was commanded by a Englishman called John Baggett Glub (The founder and creator of Jordan). These Arab armies in 1948 had the main mission of disarming the native Palestinians so that Jews can easily steal it.

In 1967, another pseudo war happened in which the so called Arab armies gave more land to Jews. Again the purpose of the Arab armies was to disarm the Palestinians and curtail any resistance. A good example of this would be King Hussein of Jordan. Also called "No Beef" by his CIA handlers whose sole purpose was to fight the Palestinians and protect the Jews.

So basically the Palestinians got shafted and their lands stolen from them. Their Arab brethren not only didn't help. But actively forbade them from organizing or defending themselves while at the same time using the Palestinians and Palestine as an excuse for their dictatorships.

Fast forward to 2024, the few remaining Palestinians are trapped in small enclaves in Palestine (Gaza, west bank). Some Palestinians still live under Jewish militias rule in so called Israel which by now replaced Palestine and have successfully brought in Jewish hordes from all over the world claiming that they are returning the their promised land by their blood thirsty god.

As we speak, Jews by the aid and support of Americans and the whole world including other Arabs are killing off the Palestinians in the remaining small and surrounded enclaves of Palestine. This includes not only Gaza, but those Palestinians in the west bank and those Palestinians living inside so called Israel as third or fourth class citizens.

Every time you see a Jew who is living comfortably in so called Israel with a big house and all. And a Palestinian living in a shack in Gaza or the west bank or Lebanon. Know that the Jew stole the Palestinian home and is now killing the Palestinian so that his theft is complete.

BTW this is the very best explanation you will ever find about the situation. I've done a lot of research to sum it up for you. In short, Jews came, stole land, killed off the natives then cried victim about it.

Argentina wholesale by Jews (www.gatewaytosouthamerica-newsblog.com)
posted ago by turtlebam ago by turtlebam
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