This was the code that China published to the world, and all the vaccine manufacturers used to make their vaxxines.

1273 is a product of two prime factors, 53 and 41.

Autists, engage.


These anecdotes are from my extended family:

Great aunt, 86 years old, faints from a blood clot in her brain and spends a few weeks in the hospital, about 2 weeks post vax. Doing okay now.

Great aunt, 88 years old, had a stroke about 1 month after vax, died before anyone found her.

Uncle, 56 years old, had a seizure out of nowhere. According to his wife he "flopped around like a fish." Busted his face up on a porch step. Doctors found a slight heart arrhythmia and no other abnormalities. Currently doing okay.

Aunt, 57 years old, wife of ^above. Chronic headaches and tinnitus post vax. At about 4 months post vax, began to have digestive issues. Doctors found elevated liver enzymes.

The rest of my family including myself have not been vaxxed. Almost all have had asymptomatic covid and recovered with no long haul symptoms. I had a pretty nasty symptomatic case, which I contracted from my Grandfather's (vaxxed) breakthrough case.

Ain't the vax lovely?


My theory is that "Comirnaty" is not an anagram, as some have proposed as soon as the name was released, but a portmanteau-- that is, a conglomeration of other words or parts of words. In this theory there is of course what I'll call the "public reading" of the portmanteau, and also a secret, "occult reading." (Keep in mind here that "occult" means "concealed", not necessarily magical, although such things are subjective.)

I took this paragraph from an article on Quartz:


BioNTech filed to register “Comirnaty” as a trademark in June 2020, well before anyone even knew if there would even be a vaccine to use. Around the same time, BioNTech filed to trademark other alternative names, all of them just as cryptic at first glance: Covuity, presumably a mash up of Covid and immunity; Kovimerna, which sounds like it cannibalizes the name of the other vaccine company Moderna; or RnaxCovi, which might be a blend of “RNA,” “vaccine” and “Covid.”

So the above paragraph would be the "public reading" of the portmanteau. But I want to draw attention to the central portion of the word, "mirna."

"Mirna" refers not to "RNA" or "mRNA," but a third class of molecule called "microRNA" or "miRNA."

From the above article:

"A microRNA (abbreviated miRNA) is a small single-stranded non-coding RNA molecule (containing about 22 nucleotides) found in plants, animals and some viruses, that functions in RNA silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression."

"[S]ilencing and ... regulation of gene expression."

That is the key to the occult reading of Comirnaty. Now, do what you do, internet.


So I came upon this video on YouTube from 2018, where Stuart Hameroff, Professor of Anesthesiology and Psychology. I know a lot of it is pretty deep and full of jargon, but stay with me. He essentially makes an argument, based on experiments with anesthesia, that consciousness is mediated by quantum vibrations in the tubulin microtubules inside neurons.

Now take the rumor that the recent vaccines have been alleged to contain graphene (a superconductor under certain conditions), and the fact that all the vaccines have to be kept cold-- almost as if they're trying to prevent quantum decoherence.

Imagine you're big pharma/deep state, and you've got the ability to quantum-entangle macroscopic matter. You keep one set of quantum particles plugged into your quantum supercomputer, and you send the linked set of quantum particles out into the world.

Here's were the vax comes in. Could it be certain vaccine ingredients are quantum entangled molecules? Could these molecules be designed in such a way that they bind to the tubulin in neurons, but in such a way that they allow most normal activity to pass through, forming a sort of one-way or two-way surveillance layer? You're still conscious, and you feel "normal," but the signal of every firing neuron is being sent to big brother. Maybe bad thoughts can be pruned away. Maybe good thoughts can be rewarded. Most people spend hours a day on their cell phone, essentially training the algorithm to interpret the signals coming from their neuronal activity.

Now think about the evidence that several anti-worm drugs are known to act by binding to the colchicine site of beta-tubulin in worms and other lower organisms. Could it be that the anti-parasitic ivermectin does the same thing-- disrupting the tubulin binding site. This would explain why the vax enforcers are so adamant against ivermectin.

Beta-tubulin also plays an important role in the formation of platelets. Maybe a quickly-developed quantum-entangled nanoparticle designed to fit into the beta-tubulin receptor is going to have some adverse side effects on the beta-tubulin sites in platelets, affecting their shape and function. Blood clots, anyone?

I think we need to start pondering theories and following the rabbit holes. Lots of sci-fi sounding advancements have happened in the last decade, and we know that "they" are decades ahead of anything we know. Just wanted to drop a few breadcrumbs.


We've heard about "cognitive changes" from both Covid and the "Vax." I've got an anecdote to share on the latter.

Background: My boyfriend had his first dose of the Pfizer vax way back in May of 2020. Had absolutely no effect. Could have been a placebo for all we know. Since then, he had become somewhat vaccine hesitant, but finally, pressure from vaxxed family members, work, and an upcoming trip to New York coerced him to get the second dose.

Within a hour of receiving the shot, he underwent a remarkable and frightening transformation that lasted about 3 hours. He exhibited what can only be described as profound apathy. In fact, he became a machine with a machine mind. He seemed to feel no emotion other than annoyance at other human beings and what he perceived as their useless and distracting attachments to him.

He deleted multiple friends and family members from Facebook. He refused a call from his brother who he described as "always depressed and suicidal-- it's not my job to keep him alive." That statement was uncharacteristically callous and harsh coming from him. He talked about putting in his two weeks notice at work and complained about all the empty-headed people there being a drain on his mental energy, what with their constant meaningless social chatter.

He wouldn't hardly look at me. He wouldn't let me touch him. He showed no physiological response other than mild agitation. He seemed incapable of human warmth or affection. He talked about just wanting to go somewhere and start over, or "disappear." "With me?" I asked. No response.

It's like suddenly his dopamine and oxytocin receptors had been turned off-- completely. Transhumanism, here we come.

It "cleared up" after a few hours-- but it's left me haunted and confused. Is that all that love and faith and joy and loyalty really are--- just chemicals that can be turned off by an injection? What reason do we have to exist, then? What reason do we have to want or do anything at all? Is this how civilization ends? Everyone just gives up on humanity, walks away, disappears... Existence has become an inconvenience not worth the effort. That is the zeitgeist, right?


I hear so many different anecdotes from people who got the vax, specifically the two-shot varieties.

Some had a bad reaction on the first dose, some had a bad reaction to the second. Some said they didn't even feel one of the shots (small needle), but the other made their arm sore for days (big needle).

So my thought is this: Maybe the two-dose thing was a lie. Only one of those shots was real. It was their way of stretching the thin supply, while at the same time getting people "signed on" to get the real thing as soon as more doses came available. This kind of deceptive tactic is par for the course with these folks.

For some people, maybe both shots were saline, which explains the 3rd "booster", and miscellaneous reports of "rogue" nurses injecting saline shots.

(and we know the elites got a saline shot, if they got the needle at all!)

I don't know what it means, other than a small glimmer of hope for people who got the shot and now have remorse.