by pkvi
thesavagedetective 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget the part where you have to keep taking it every 6 months so that it can continue to be ineffective.

thesavagedetective 1 point ago +1 / -0

I highly recommend Tom Cowan if you are interested in alternative theories on what causes dis-ease. This article is mostly about Covid but he discusses Chicken Pox specifically at one point. Basically describes it as a necessary maturation step for purging the body of toxins. Cites the fact that people who get Chicken Pox (rather than blocking it with vaccination) tend to be far healthier for the rest of their lives.

thesavagedetective 2 points ago +2 / -0

This right here! As I've said before the vaccine vs. antivaccine debate is a classic (magic) trick to cover a bigger lie (just like a magician getting the whole audience to look one way when the real trick is happening subtly somewhere else) because both sides operate under the premise that there is a virus causing people to get sick. There isn't. I'm not saying virus's don't exist and I'm not saying there isn't an illness known as Covid (or AIDS for that matter) just that the genetic sequence known as sars-cov-2 is not the cause of this illness.

thesavagedetective 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is a virus, physically? Its just a sequence of DNA wrapped in a protein coat. Of course virus's exist, they are a waste product as cells break down (again, just DNA wrapped in protein). People like this lady and Tom Cowan aren't arguing that virus's don't exist just that they are far more often a symptom of dis-ease rather than the cause. When we get sick our bodies are cleaning themselves and purging waste hence lots of cells (both human and bacterial) being broken down and excreted, hence virus's (the biproduct of this excretion process). Add in the scam that is the PCR process and you don't even have to have a person that is very sick or excreting very much virus to find basically any genetic sequence you are looking for.

thesavagedetective 1 point ago +1 / -0

Listening to this interview was one of the key elements of my waking up process. 10/10 everyone should listen.

by pkvi
thesavagedetective 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. It is also how cults work, the most manipulative and abusive people at the top of the cult are themselves the most manipulated and abused. It doesn't mean we can let someone like Ghislaine walk free, she is far too dangerous. But I believe that in order to heal collectively and build a society that doesn't produce these types of people we need to have empathy.

thesavagedetective 1 point ago +1 / -0

What pisses me off the most about this whole thing is that it should't fucking matter what their skin color is. At all. Three people got shot, the question is was it self defense (obviously it was)? Their skin color has nothing to do with it.