I have had this idea, and I think it might be worth pursuing:

Create a website / app that is a dating or match site for the unvaccinated. Blood test validation would be required before dates. This would provide several benefits:

Allow people who don't want to co-mingle with people infected with the mRNA gene therapy shot.

Creation of a pure blooded human line without the inheritable genome mutations caused by the vaccine.

Eventually lead to a breakaway civilization of humans who live longer, are more healthy, and are free from the mRNA demons.

Serious Question:

For those who align themselves as left or liberal or democrat. Trying not to use labels that some find offensive).

Do you support the current movement to abolish natural gas appliances?? If so, what criteria or sources do you use to justify it?

t. Grew up in an all-gas appliance household. Single story ranch, no basement. Mother cooked almost every day. Six people in the house; hot water was scarce due to the amount of dishwashing and showers. Gas furnace ran all winter long (cold state).

Not one instance of even mild asthma among any family member. Whole neighborhood was like that. First time I even saw an inhaler was after high school.

I am just trying to figure out where this anti-LNG movement is coming from.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to speak up.


The (((media)) is slowly desensitizing us to the idea through imagery and a campaign to show the benefits of consuming bugs. This push is disguised as combating "global climate change".

My theory is this:

Farmers in many countries are white. There is a concerted effort by very wealthy individuals / groups to disenfranchise and marginalize white people, effectively destroying a lot of agricultural resources. The only way to feed the remaining disorganized slave class will be through alternative inexpensive methods. (insects.)

How many mass immigrants to Europe, USA, Scandinavia, and Canada are farmers?