savman 0 points ago +2 / -2

There's many many models of the earth

There is only one model. All the others are fabricated by uneducated morons like you who can't spell and don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

"Leading Science" is struggling

No, dip shit, they are trying to figure out why the earth is spinning at different rates. The operative word is 'spinning' like a ball.

Rudolf Steiner

Did you source a self-proclaimed clairvoyant? Lol. yeah, OK. How much mileage did he get with his theory that everyone with a brain ignored? Idiot.

Our solar system is also rotating around something else.

Ah yeah, our solar system rotates around WITHIN and is part of the milky way galaxy - geesh, you are one dull tool in the shed.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

My last post to you since I grow weary of arguing with dull tools.

When you have a piece of peer-reviewed evidence, let me know. Some jackass with a grade 9 education on Oddysee does not cut it.

savman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh gee, you make me nervous. Are you going to send me 'facts' about your flat earth? Lol, all you FE clowns are such pathetic losers.

savman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck wit. Why can't you see the entire flat disc with these photos? If the earth was was flat you absolutely could, it would be 100% illogical if you could not. Otherwise, the far away land masses are falling beyond the curve of the earth which is what you are seeing. The moon is far away, yet I see it, hec, I have seen Saturn with my own eyes, so does France just disappear because of the atmosphere or 'perspective' - lol

So you are another feeble 1/2 wit who can't understand the horizon appears flat because the earth is fucking huge. The funny thing is that it really is not flat on those images, I can see a slight curve on the last few images, so why don't you go jerk off with the other flat-brain morons and enjoy your flat fantasy world dip shit.

Yes, I am condescending but only to those that are brain-dead low IQ, zero education empty bags of mostly water with no real intelligence.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously dude, Eric Dubay is a fucking 1/2 wit moron. All you clowns have is some low-grade idiot who makes a fancy video. 100% void of logic and the fact that you trust this ass clown vs. THOUSANDS of actual scientists just shows you are woefully gullible.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

the top of out planet woukd be pointing at differnt stars

Fuck wad. The earth DOES point to different stars vs. thousands of years ago. As I have said multiple times, arguing with people like you is so predictable because you are ignorant. Everything you spew is bull shit, low IQ stuff man.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

there are millions of people who are awake to flat earth.

Yeah, don't doubt that. There is a growing population of millennials who sadly think as you do. Having said that, the IQ of these people compared to older people indicates the sheer lack of educational standards we have today.

Flat-Earthers seem to have a very low standard of evidence for what they want to believe but an impossibly high standard of evidence for what they don’t want to believe.

There is no point in a debate since a celestial body the size of the earth can't be flat. It would simply collapse on itself and reform into a ball, just as all planets, moons and stars have done for the same reason bubbles are round and not flat.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like laughing at people and believe me, you have provided lots of ammunition.

The hilarious part is when you actually think you're right about any of this flat earth bull shit. You idiots have never considered X-15 rockets, U2 spy planes etc that have never taken a photo of the underside of the earth. Why is that? Oh right, you think everything is fake and that we live under some protective dome or it's all a projection or some bull shit. It's like you took acid and never came down. Just an ass clown is all you are.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Literally, no one with a formal education supports your claim. You are a child agreeing with things you don't understand just to feel edgy. You jerk off to the idea that only a select few "awoke" people know more than thousands of super smart people, explorers and scientists. Well, sorry to disappoint you buddy, but your claims are beyond laughable. Come back when you find someone who agrees with you with an IQ above 60.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Flat earther explain how things work;


savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lasers over the lake surface. The test is done by normal.people all the time.

100% wrong, as is everything you post about this subject. You are simply a retarded fuck wit.

There is lots of psy op designed to give you confirmation bias

OK conspiritard. Please don't have children.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one has ever flown over Antarctica

You people are beyond fucking stupid.

Seriously, seek help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8DQSM-b2cc&t=567s

savman 2 points ago +2 / -0

the mountain in the OP isn't 30,000 feet high dip shit. Fucking clown.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

overwhelming evidence

So predictable.... You got nothing. We have tens of thousands of people who have first-hand experience sailing across oceans, flying around the world, over Antarctica, and soaring through space. Face it, you clowns are children.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

using lasers

I can prove they can't. The laser on the lake bed has the bottom of the light cone chopped off, disproving this.

zoom lenses,

No, you can not. 100% impossible. Zoom lenses see the same curve as our eyes.

try and win $10k

You seriously think this guy was honest 3 years ago? This was a scam then, it's a scam now. No way in hell someone this stupid has $10,000

Seriously, you can not produce one fact that holds any water.

Ego? Nothing to do with basic physics, a flat earth would split into a million pieces, you dip shits can't tell us whats on the other side. Losers the lot of you.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is no missing curvature.

savman 1 point ago +2 / -1

i didnt pay attention to discovery channel

It goes beyond that dip shit. You are a stupid fool because you don't think critically of the overwhelming evidence of the shape of our earth. Your brain is literally too stupid to look objectively at simple observations, critical thinking and rational hypothesis. All you want to feel 'edgy' because some random fool put out a Youtube video. That's all you have, chumps on youtube and not one scientific experiment proving you right. You have ZERO science on your side, buddy. And don't pretend you do.

savman 4 points ago +5 / -1

You said no clear images of light refraction exist, so I showed you one thus, demonstrating how you are 100% unequivocally wrong. You can't even understand my responses to your asinine statements.

You are a jack ass saying things are this and that. You have just been handed clear evidence you don't know jack shit, so stop embarrassing yourself.

savman 2 points ago +3 / -1

you just hear some pop science guy

No retard, I have seen with my own fucking eyes. Lunatic.

what about all the videos from 20 miles up, and you still see a perfectly flat horizon

Do you mean this photo that shows a nice curve on our wonderful ball and not a flat disc? You fucking 1/2 wit imbeciles never can show the whole disc at the same time, now can you? Twat.


without stripping every last molecule of air,

As opposed to air sitting on a flat disc without flying away? Yo, dip shit-- molecules have a mass pulling towards the center of our big ball. How much of a moron do you have to believe the shit you think? You are literally the laughingstock of the internet. You and your other moron minions. Go look yourself in the mirror and say "I'm a fucking moron"

savman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Go read some books on light refraction retard.

savman 2 points ago +3 / -1

he was a thinker.

Unlike you. Living on a flat plane is something only really, really stupid people believe.

savman 1 point ago +2 / -1

that is impossible.

You should be very worried about how stupid you are.

savman 2 points ago +3 / -1

Refraction cannot mirage a perfectly clear image.

Shouldn't need to say this, but you're a half, nay, full-on fuck-wit.


savman 3 points ago +7 / -4

OP is a low-IQ fag. Doesn't know what light refraction is. Go read some books you twat.

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