I heard some chatter about it. I'd like to know if it's true. First how does Biden's family have an island? Second why is it west of Epstein's island?

Again, assuming any of this is true.


Kind of weird right? A disease that killed millions of people including "600,000+" Americans, and Congress won't take a vote and pass an investigation?

I assume because it's a continued distraction that USA funded Fauci and funded the Wuhan lab.


Imagine... if you will. A blunt, New York City wind bag who can't keep a secret. Who can't tell a lie. Who blurts out everything he's not supposed to.

The guy who said "we're gonna sell weapons to the Saudi's it's gonna be great." is the same guy who said "the virus came from China, the Wuhan lab." Then the media spends a year saying "bat soup!" and "pagollin!" See if Fauci funded the Wuhan lab for "gain of function research" to stop a mutated virus before it ever happens... and the USA funds Fauci and his labs. The USA is partially responsible if not entirely responsible.

Chances are you can't do gain of function on American soil, but what country has relaxed standards? What country would probably be willing to say "how much money you got?" Then level 2 safety protocols in a level 4 lab let it leak. Perhaps harmless, perhaps not.

Either way, Trump told the secret and that's why "intelligence officials" and "scientists" had to spend a year laundering their stories on main stream media to correct the fact that... America is the bad guy. Trump would have privy information, the same information the high ups would all have, Trump is just the one guy who can't keep a secret.

I just saw Elliot Paige topless. He sure doesn't look like the other trans males topless. No scars if any.

I propose the idea that Elliot Paige has always been a boy, insecure and living as a trans girl due to his lack of size. Now as he grows older, he is secure in being a man.

Seems like there's a theory going around social media that your social security number is attached to a federal reserve bank based on the number on the back of your social security card. The theory goes that if you look up the routing number for the bank that correlates with the letter. That can be used to pay bills.

Feel free to laugh or tell me it's true. I just thought this would be a great place to ask.