qnewb 3 points ago +3 / -0

And this video where it seems like the sign language person is really trying to tell us something, right? Again on The White House youtube channel


qnewb 2 points ago +2 / -0

What about this new video of him slurring and talking about not seeing everyone for a few months on The White House youtube channel? I've only been here a few weeks and still learning all the link rules. Hopefully okay to post youtube link? :|


And the comments are, of course, turned off. Pretty strange when you're telling people they can contact you at any time

qnewb 5 points ago +6 / -1

Three things about the fake inauguration:

  1. Where is Bernie Sanders? I can't find him. I keep seeing the meme of him where everyone is photoshopping him to different places. I'm thinking maybe he is green-screened in somewhere? Weekend at Bernie's comes to mind, lol. Haven't been able to see it though. Have been watching the video on cspan.
  2. At one point when Garth Brooks is singing, a man is sitting by what looks to be possibly his daughter in the front row, and his phone screen is facing the stage with a picture of a woman/girl on it, and he seems to point his phone to the camera when it comes by. It was hard for me to see, but possible victim? It's around 59:52 on the cspan video link.
  3. Once you realize it's fake, you have to rewatch the entire. It will bring you to tears. The speeches, the songs, everything so planned and rings so true with what is happening. They only smile when the cameras are on them. oops, actually 4: The cross appears upside down on Biden's bible
qnewb 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anyone found the misspelling of inauguration as inaugeration? Trying to confirm a mention of that.