Chabad says they run the economy of russia in this video... Other connections in this video
Yes so was 85% the Bolshevik Revolution (Putin's words). Did the Bolsheviks ever leave or did the world just stop talking about them? Did you know the first prime minister of israel, Ben Gurion, was also a proud Bolshevik?
It's not only twitter. It's every social media outlet, it's every movie in hollywood, every show on netflix, every channel on tv. Anti-white hatred comes from the Talmud. They call Europeans Amalek and say Edom is Christianity/Western civilization. Rabbis openly talking about exterminating Amalek/Edom for their jew messiah. They control ADL and determine what is hate speech - saying you want to kill whitey is fine, pointing it out is hate speech
just like Trump, they speak against what they are part of. Trump pimped out his daughter to jewish billionaires on Epstein's Island. "The best way to conrol opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Lenin