oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

sorry missed your q. The zeus/george gets alot of press. There was a tinfoil hat on utube i watched a while ago (he has since been banned) that pointed out that every “big” story or event has 3-4 key elements. Zeus (aka Georgos or George), a King, a double cross element (aka at&t aka a double cross) or a “son” (aka maSON, peterSON, apollo SON of zeus etc). I was just focusing on the George (aka ZEUS) element in stories/major headlines. It’s hard to have a conversation on social media. lol I still have alot of questions about apollo and the greek and roman connection (holes in the rabbit hole as u alluded to).

Wish i could invite some of you over for a fireside chat. My place is basically a large campground, shooting range, rv hookups. Some day…maybe. Hard to connect with ppl on social media, the couple of times I have I did not regret it.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

did you visit the location? school is scheduled to be destroyed, like connecticut school. better hurry up. I would not be surprised if they actually murdered kids to push an agenda. destroy evidence. Even beto wrote an essay claiming to fantasize killing ppl/kids. I always wondered why “conspiracy theorists” claim this shit doesn’t happen then also claim in the same breath that there is no worldwide pedovore conspiracy, that children are NOT being trafficked or sacrificed. These same people have never left the country let alone their own city.

If you claim conspiracy theorist status you should work with law enforcement or child protective services for at least one year (like a certified conspiracy nut 🤔). Otherwise everything you say about kids being killed is bullshit.

oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t know if they faked it or actually did it. Anyone that says that they know is still guessing. I live next to waco/whacko and I know that wasn’t faked, but “engineered” (a different story). Most ppl that claim to know about false flags have probably never left their own home state or the US for that matter, and they just watch utube videos. For example I know I blew up Bagdhad. That wasn’t faked but was done based on faked intelligence.

oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

i’ve wondered that too. ever look at paintings of george? why does his “bottom half” always look weird. 😂 like some sort of hooved creature.

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way it works is, the joos help exasperate crime by providing guns, pawn shops, liquor and drugs to the community which drives somewhat normal neegrows out, then the joos by up the real estate one block at a time as people flee the city and the gangs snuff themselves out (joos help with that too…::cough:: PDIDDY…) then eventually they own the entire neighborhood and make the rent unaffordable and or only rent to other joos.

It’s actually a smart strategy (some white neighborhoods/rural areas do this to). For example in my neighborhood we don’t sell property to Californians. 😂


oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

so true I don’t deny it. I consider it quite coincidental and interesting in the least. Unfortunately the site I have been using for years..now I would have to pay for as of last week. I downloaded the entire website and use a local copy for calculations because historically these sites get banned or start charging for usage. gematrinator.com, gematrix.org (free but not that great) is another. I used this one for the sumerian cipher (one of my favorite ciphers and more interesting “ancient” ciphers, 9/11, jfk etc) https://www.ridingthebeast.com/gematria-calculator?system=english-sumerian

Probably more than you wanted to know but Genesis 1:1 = 666+666+666+<the name of god (or the 37th prime) in hebrew> and is the base for a perfect triangle if you add the top of pyramid using John 1:1. I say this because companies like “7-11”, “Heinz 57”, “nissan” (means 23) clearly use torah/kaballah or numerology to name their companies. I mean they are primarily joo owned so it does make sense. This is common practice in marketing (like disney’s 666 or google chrome etc ad naseum)





Lots of Weirdness with 666, life and earth (spin size etc) that does NOT need a calculator: Carbon. It has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons.

Not sure about the meme going around since memes were born about gravity, spin, earth size and 666. Looks fake but have not had time to study it (would be cool if it was true): https://external-preview.redd.it/rqZ4YdkB3KvG9Y2CxUmUC-_BZO0YtXieLQE4PagXHis.jpg?auto=webp&s=8587ad4aeb1f4216090d89ed0beb5ac292af8b51

Whether u believe the torah or not does not matter to me. I find the babylon legend/stories fascinating (language WAS just numbers in the beginning then split).


Thanks for the input!

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +2 / -1

all language was numbers in the beginning so you would have been considered a mute as in unable to speak, similar to 'dumb'. so yes.

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