posted ago by no_ez ago by no_ez

I’ve been sporadically watching livestreamed parts of The RNC convention…

…the only way to describe it is a surrealist shitshow.

Reactions/words that come to mind are:

pantheist cult metamodern post-postmodern Bizarre/Bazaar Humiliation Ritual

Difficult to watch.

The vibe: a highschool graduation ceremony taking place in a funeral home on a distant exoplanet in an undefined time.

Everyone there looks confused.

America officially died tonight. I’m calling it. July 15, 2024. We are now living in post-America. The hand of fate has carved the epitaph.

Hello (Multi-Polar) world.

Tl;dr: Ancient mediaforms (The Colosseum, The stage performance) Boomer mediaforms (television, the radio announcer voice, TV commercials based on the emotion of fear) & Internet Age mediaforms (The livestream, the podcast, the algorithm)

…all coalesced into what can only be described as a polymorphic pastiche of failure.

Tl;drTl;dr: It just didn’t work*

(* as in an art critic saying, “I get what they were going for, but it just didn’t </it>work.”)

posted ago by no_ez ago by no_ez

Have any of you heard any conspiracies involving Greek Row or any strange stories?


So I saw a post in Whitney Webb’s fan chat earlier, that said Tucker’s dad was the Chairman and CEO of King World productions. That sounded familiar, so I decided to do some searches.

I’ll skip their other programming for now, like Oprah, who somehow avoided scandal with that “John of God” Psychopath .


So Tucker’s dad was a major propagandist, spin doctor, lots to look at there. And please do…

BUT, he was also the president and CEO of King World Productions, during the time it launched “Inside Edition.” Although he was awarded 2 emmys prior, for his reporting with CBS&ABC News, this is where Bill O’Reilly shed any remaining journalistic integrity, and became an “edutainor.” A teleprompt-reading stooge injecting canned “opinions” and “insights” in a conversational and personable manner …meant to seem casual, and off the cuff. Because it was syndicated, and mostly celebrity gossip, his reach (called ratings back then) BOOMED.

So, he leaves inside edition and goes to fox news two years later. Suddenly, after 21 years, Bill O’Reilly leaves 21st Century Fox amid sexual allegations. The same day it was announced, the press release stated Tucker Carlson would replace him in his 8pmEST primetime hour??

What are the odds?

That’s almost weirder than Bill Barr’s dad leaving the prestigious Dalton school a month before a completely unqualified Epstein started working there… (of course, Anderson Cooper later graduated from Dalton.) What a coincidence seeing how Bill, as DOJ’s head, was in charge of Epstein’s case.

I get nepotism. I understand connected dads pass their connections their sons, but doesn’t this seem Odd?

Especially what we know about Ghislane’s dad.

Intelligence is apparently both an inherited trait and an inherited career.

Just ask Jim Morrisson. Oh wait…


So I saw a post in Whitney Webb’s fan chat earlier, that said Tucker’s dad was the Chairman and CEO of King World productions. That sounded familiar, so I decided to do some searches.

I’ll skip their other programming for now, like Oprah, who somehow avoided scandal with that “John of God” Psychopath .


So Tucker’s dad was a major propagandist, spin doctor, lots to look at there. And please do…

BUT, he was also the president and CEO of King World Productions, during the time it launched “Inside Edition.” Although he was awarded 2 emmys prior, for his reporting with CBS&ABC News, this is where Bill O’Reilly shed any remaining journalistic integrity, and became an “edutainor.” A teleprompt-reading stooge injecting canned “opinions” and “insights” in a conversational and personable manner …meant to seem casual, and off the cuff. Because it was syndicated, and mostly celebrity gossip, his reach (called ratings back then) BOOMED.

So, he leaves inside edition and goes to fox news two years later. Suddenly, after 21 years, Bill O’Reilly leaves 21st Century Fox amid sexual allegations. The same day it was announced, the press release stated Tucker Carlson would replace him in his 8pmEST primetime hour??

What are the odds?

That’s almost weirder than Bill Barr’s dad leaving the prestigious Dalton school a month before a completely unqualified Epstein started working there… (of course, Anderson Cooper later graduated from Dalton.) What a coincidence seeing how Bill, as DOJ’s head, was in charge of Epstein’s case.

I get nepotism. I understand connected dads pass their connections their sons, but doesn’t this seem Odd?

Especially what we know about Ghislane’s dad.

Intelligence is apparently both an inherited trait and an inherited career.

Just ask Jim Morrisson. Oh wait…


RIP Nitter.

Zedeus will go down in my history book right next to other internet legends fighting for open source and proliferating free dissemination of information.

Aaron Schwartz, Linus Torvalds, Fanning/Parker (Sean and Shawn), John Carmack, the boys at Pyratbyrån, and anons worldwide all join you in my imaginary hall of fame.

Nitter was Napster to Mr. Elon.


1.Adam Curtis reveals in ‘Can’t Get You Out of My Head,” Tupac’s mom has a very storied history involving black panthers, many federal agencies, and more.

  1. Biggie and 2Pac’s murderers were never tried. In reality they were sacrificed for a campaign to turn black america into thugs, benefit private prison stockprice, and of course, the minor and quick buck scheme: sell a few million records.

3.The Hip-Hop movement was the ONLY organic counterculture movement destructive to the technocratic regime. The flappers, beatniks, feminists, hippies, punks, and grungers were all manufactured movements or coopted and steered extremely early on as soon as they gained a modicum of ‘contagiousness.’ The Powers that Be had been hammer-striking large nails in the movement and had largely failed to stop the positive aspects of Hip-Hop.

For those of you, that don’t remember or weren’t born yet, dancing and art were a huge part of hip-hop.

When I say hip-hop, I’m talking about this thing that happened. You know there’s the story of the guy in Brooklyn having the party and rapping over a record and all that, but the real thing about hip-hop was the way it combined different black movements and unified them. Think MAGA, but for black neighborhoods.

There was a focus on education, family, and building a generational wealth for you and your family. It made strides to eliminate poverty, and stressed volunteering, respect for others and elders, and it was extremely organized on a community level.

It was dangerous because it respected not just MLK, the token —-But Malcom X and Farrakhan.

Magically, along comes Rick Rubin and the Beasties. MTV. More media mind control. Despite this, I would say if you want to know the impact of Hip-Hop and the world we could be living in, all you have to do is watch 1-2 episodes of the sitcom “A Different World.” The direction upward Black America was experiencing had to be stopped. Enter “Gangsta” Rap.

So the “beef” in the 90’s? It was all orchestrated. All of it.

Jay-Z is a major player. He did a feature on “NO WAY OUT” in a song that had a Biggie verse. It was released after Big’s murder and sold millions of copies as the lead single was “Missing You,” sampled from the song whose author admitted was not a lovesong as many misinterpreted, but a DIRE WARNING ABOUT A TECHNOCRATIC SYSTEM USING SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY TO PERPETUALLY TRACK AND SURVEIL THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE PLANET.

Yes, he was to be the new Messiah of the redirected hiphop music industry. His label? Roc-a-Fella Records.

Oh yeah, many years before he was photoed with Abramovich’s tits, he wrote a bunch of “enemy” “West Coast” rappers’ hits.

Many layers of the onion.

What I want to know is, when did Ray Epps whisper in the one dude’s ear who shook the bike racks?

And was it 1:07 pm local time? When in the House chambers, when Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., rose to question the election results from his state. To which someone asked, “is it signed by a senator?” And Ted Cruz stood up and said “yes.”

Exactly how close were these two events to each other?

posted ago by no_ez ago by no_ez

So, I have some speculation based on motive.

Mitsubishi pulled out of China today, Toyota (biggest worldwide) forecast from last year was projecting huge dropoff in sales around this time— and with high interest rates, a credit crunch, and the “not a recession,” new cars just aren’t selling.

There’s been a bunch of other news regarding cycling down production, and dealers having issues moving new cars.

So wouldn’t the big 3 in Detroit benefit from shutting the lines down for a couple of weeks to produce a stopgap instead of flooding the dealer lots with unsellable product?

Even if it cost them more in the longrun, they might’ve ran the numbers and thought the publicity from the strike would sell more American cars this year. It’s free press. And companies are shortsighted these days.

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