meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Twitter embed cropped the photo


Crenshaw's profile at the World Economic Forum

meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trudeau conveniently gets infected with COVID every time a political shitstorm is brewing on his doorstep.

He pulled this same stunt when the Truckers arrived in Ottawa.

meme_kat 13 points ago +13 / -0

Twitter planning to come down with a ban hammer is most certainly related to this


Libs of TikTok has been posting and bring attention to all sorts of LGBTQ grooming and sexual depravity including drag shows that target children.

meme_kat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Couldn't link the tweet I wanted to post because the scored.co platform will not playback video of a tweet embedded within another tweet


meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Figured it would be a good idea to make a post containing most if not all of video available, make hidden mp4 visible for easy download/sharing, then archive it all to prevent memory holing.

That took time which is why i didn't post it monday.

Then I had to try and find formatting that worked.

And then I hit the 12,000 character limit for a self.text. That was the largest hurdle. I had to strip all the archive.org links out for videos and most of the archive.ph links for photos. The good news is if Twitter pulls the videos they should still be available as long as you know where to look.

Some of the videos were available as 1080p and 720p, so I included both, but removed lower resolutions if available.

meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hit 12,000 character limit on self.text :(

  • Had to delete lots of archive links for videos and images.

  • Videos are archived to web.archive.org

  • Photos are archived to archive.ph

Those poor kids


Texas House Representative Bryan Slaton intends to file a bill to ban the presence of minors at drag shows in Texas.



Andy Ngô


The drag event for children at a gay bar in Dallas, Texas was called "Drag the Kids to Pride." It was held at the Mr. Misster gay bar & club. Children & transvestites danced in front of an electronic sign that read, "It's not gonna lick itself."

This performer from the children's drag show in Dallas, Texas is Albert Xavier Estrada, who also uses the name "Arielle Diamond." Estrada posted previously about his OnlyFans.

One of the performers for the drag event for children in Dallas, Texas that was confronted is Andrew Carroll, who also uses the name "Noelle Synclair." He said he's becoming an educator. His boyfriend who tried to block the camera is Jared Meece.

John Joseph Dean, an attendee of the drag event for children at the gay bar in Dallas, Texas, insults & spits on a videographer as he was driving away. The 51-year-old Dallas resident works as a senior engineer for the cyber security team at @SouthwestAir .

“I f— him! Is he a child?" A transvestite & another man were confronted by @alexstein99 outside the gay bar (Mr. Misster) in Dallas, Texas that hosted the drag event for children. The transvestite had performed on the “walkway” with a child at one point.

More tweets:


meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Last month Taco Bell began its nationwide rollout of the "Drag Brunch" tour in Las Vegas.

The failing NY Times published an article on May 27, 2022 covering the Chicago "event" including photos, one seen above.

Is this really what America wants from a shitty american fast food joint? Drag events pitched to groom children complete with throwing dollar bills?





meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0



The Institute for The Study of War founded by Kimberly Kagan publishes daily map analysis updates on the conflict in Ukraine.


While ISW is the most cited by mainstream media, there are incentives and potential conflicts for all of the Kagans in their reporting and analysis.

meme_kat 1 point ago +2 / -1

School shooters are sometimes manipulated and other times they are simply known by FBI who do nothing to act before the crime as the outcome serves a political objective.

yet somehow refuse to accept that these are real victims, and that people died."

That is a different topic.

I'm not in the boat of believing fake victims, as it's much easier for the alphabet agencies and their allies to kill or let tragedies happen than to fake deaths.

Collateral damage plays better in mainstream media for dramatic effect and to create political pressure to push objectives quickly.

meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

global elite using school shootings to disarm the population…

Read "Behold a Pale Horse". This isn't a new concept


page 225

The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

There is also this quote attributed to the book. I'm not sure which page, and that pdf file does not have OCR on many scanned pages.


Some of Cooper’s best‐known predictions appear in Behold a Pale Horse, which runs a densely typed 500 pages. Eight years before the Trench Coat Mafia murders at Columbine High School, Cooper wrote: “The sharp increase of prescriptions of psychoactive drugs like Prozac and Ritalin to younger and younger children will inevitably lead to a rash of horrific school shootings.” These incidents, he said, “will be used by elements of the federal government as an excuse to infringe upon the citizenry’s Second Amendment rights.”

It's easier to enact tyranny to subvert and control a population and remove all their rights when they are unarmed and can not fight back.

When you strip rights quickly and suddenly an armed population might revolt. If they have weapons of equal force it is not so easy. At the time the US Constitution was drafted, you had pistols, rifles, and canon. This put militias on near equal footing to that of regiment military with the exception of numbers, training, and canon.

The US Founding Fathers could not have anticipated how large the force disparity would become over two centuries later. The general citizenry still have access to pistols and rifles while the military have machine guns, planes, tanks, bombs, lasers, ADS and many other weapons.

It's not even close anymore, but still the political class and aristocracy know that as long as a population have weapons, they can not so easily remove average people from society.

That isn't stopping them from conditioning populations to accept slow erosion of rights over successive generations, or the latest tricks involving "pandemics" to isolate and control people under the guise of safety.

Also predicted WEF global digital ID, vaccine passports, social credit score + CBDC


These included the disclosure that “the CIA and the military are bringing drugs into the United States to finance their black projects.” Cooper also predicted that “the rape of the Savings and Loans by the CIA is only the tip of the iceberg. At least 600 banks will go under in the next two years.” The current monetary structure, Cooper said, “will be replaced by a cashless system that will allow the government to monitor our every action by computer. If you attempt to stay out of the system you will not be allowed to buy, sell, work, get medical care, or anything else we all take for granted.

meme_kat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Those who stand up to help others being assaulted often end up getting shot, stabbed, beaten or worse --> criminally charged by a Soros DA and then sued in civil court by an opportunistic attorney representing the homeless guy.

That is why so many people simply go about their own business and tolerate the madness to the point it's become normalized.

The inmates run the asylum by design thanks to lack of ethics and moral standards by the judicial system and political leaders in charge.

meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want to see more vids from the protests check out the hashtag on the tweet in the main submission.

There are a lot of videos from the protests yesterday.

The government blocked freeways to try and prevent the population from getting to the protests and they were still huge.

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