mcsc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have had OBEs and lucid dreams, but I haven't had to do any technique for it. However, for me it is something that happens randomly and I don't control when it happens. I appreciate the advice on how to trigger/control this.

It all begins with sleep paralysis or night terrors for me. Sometimes during my sleep I feel intense pressure in my body, as if I was traveling at the speed of light across the some vast infinite distance. The more I let it happen, the more intense it becomes up until the point where I feel I am going to die, but I never do.

Then it stops, and I find myself laying in my room in the position I fell asleep in and I begin to float off my bed. However, I cannot control the floating, it is extremely difficult for me to control any part of me, I feel like I'm just floating through walls, floors, and ceilings.

Another aspect of this is the fear that settles in. Oftentimes I can feel, hear, and/or see other entities in the room. Sometimes they touch me (not inappropriately) like touching my hands or getting really close to me or getting on top of me. I have still not managed to control this fear. One of the scariest things for me is I don't really know what I'm going to see or experience during one of these episodes, sometimes there is nothing and I just float around but other times I sense strange entities in the room with me.

During these episodes I know that I am having an episode. I also know how to wake myself up, but it is difficult and uncomfortable to do it, though if the situation is scary enough I will force it. If I do experience an episode and wake myself up, I cannot fall back to sleep immediately or I will very likely go right back into it. Generally I have to keep myself awake for at least 15 minutes or so.

These sleep paralysis/night terrors have led me to lucid dreaming in a few occasions. Since I am aware I am "sleeping" and I am aware I am having an episode. Sometimes I can WILL things to change in front of me, though usually when I begin to change things at will the dream ends much faster, it seems like my lucid dreams have a short lifespan so to speak. Kind of as if I had mana and it was running out and when the mana runs out I wake up and try to get back into the lucid dream but can't.

These have been my experiences with OBEs and lucid dreaming. I find it difficult to control but I have experienced them since I was a child. I don't know what those other "entities" are, but some of them are very creepy. I also understand why people feel as though they have been abducted, if it is my own mind doing it, it feels extremely real and as if those creatures are not a part of my mind at all but completely separate.