My dad was just diagnosed with liver cancer. He has a 10cm mass on his liver with a blood clot.. I know I’ve seen posts on here before about more natural approaches to cancer. Could anyone please post any links or suggestions for me? I’m looking for anything at this point..


I like to visit r/covidvaccinated to keep up with the crazy stuff happening to people after their jabs and to see the comments trying to normalize such reactions. I’ve been waiting to see a kids version of it to keep an eye on things and it looks like someone has finally created it. They’ve hidden it behind a pop up for anyone that doesn’t have a reddit account or the app, which is me. So if anyone feels froggy and like checking in from time to time.. covid kids

Also just to be clear, I don’t ever hope to see anything bad but I do want to know if/when shit inevitably starts hitting the fan.


That we only ever see court portraits of Jizzlaine Maxwell while there are plenty of real photos from court cases. The most recent that comes to mind is the Rittenhouse trial. Really makes you go hmmm. HMMM 🤔 Jizzlaine has it rough in jail