joninslo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great video. Amazing how many people still haven't figured out the "Jones" op.

joninslo 2 points ago +2 / -0


Insiders into occult sacrifice rituals (and staged rituals used to invoke what they believe summons the same supernatural response) like to use a phrase: "The Light and the Darkness". It has origins in occult Black Magik, Satanism, and is popular in other groups such as Masonry.

Next false flag, or sketch event, keep your ears pealed for "Light in the Darkness" meme because they MUST use the phrase or the ritualized terror does not have full effect. The spell must be cast correctly, and this particular terminology has to be used.

The film "Cabin in the Woods" was a behind the scenes look at the secret dark-state societies that cause events to happen in a ritualized manner.