If anyone recalls, a few months ago Lord Fauci was wearing not one but TWO masks even after being fully vaccinated. Rand Paul accused him of theater and this is when Lord Fauci first started getting legitimate pushback. His excuse at the time was 'the variants', but this message was too damaging to the overall vaccine agenda; too many people would not bother getting the shot if they still had to wear masks and it didn't even work against circulating variants. So the CDC backs down and changes their tune.

Fast forward a few months (a little earlier than I anticipated- I expected this in early fall) and we went back to "the variants" at the end of July. In a matter of days the knee jerk reaction to vaccine breakthroughs goes from 'rare' to 'you can still get it but the vaccine lessens symptoms and keeps you out of the hospital'. Mind you, vaccinated people in the UK who were covid positive died at a higher rate than their non-vaccinated counterparts.

And now look what the CDC is saying. That they'll soon make it so that you'll need three doses in order to be considered "fully vaccinated". Some "safe and effective" vaccine, eh? My point is, this was all in their minds from the very beginning. Those vaccine cards have like 6 lines for a reason.

This is a permanent clown world. Life as you knew it before March 2020 is fucking extinct.

You think so?

What do you think some of the "fake" conspiracies are? Flat Earth? Lizard People?