honestn8 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a fair point. So, you wouldn't describe him as something like a Free Mason Pope, for lack of a better term, from centuries gone bye?

Also, if you feel like sharing, I'd be curious to know what you believe. Do you think Lucifer plays a role (as something other than Satan, maybe even something good) to many Masons?

honestn8 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you watch the whole video? It covers a lot of what you're asking and goes on to point out some of Pike's more wild beliefs in his own words.

About 4 minutes in is your explanation that yea, it probably was a hoax, at least in part.


honestn8 1 point ago +1 / -0

Appreciate the info. I'll check it out.

honestn8 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this the Diehold Foundation guy?

I'm honestly not really familiar with his work.

honestn8 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're really gonna come at Steve Irwin... And all you have is this?

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, I listened to a couple hours worth of content from Biglino. And I am down with a lot of what he's teaching. I can buy the Annunaki and people, hybrids, living thousands even tens of thousands of years in the distant past thing. But I don't know that I agree with the theory's core nature.

Let me give some examples. Biglingo really emphasizes this multiple gods idea. But that teaching isn't really new. I thought there'd be a bit more to it. But I've heard this multiple gods theory repeated by Christians, specifically those who have developed a genuine/independent interest in their faith. Hell, I've actually heard through the Bible teachers talk about this (granted, it's not a subject they tend to linger on). The biblical idea, as I'm sure you're aware, is that the world is given over to Satan until Jesus comes back. There are powers and principalities over areas and peoples, demonic influence of sorts. And there's one Elohim above all others. A Christian who's just reading their bible should know this. Biblically, there's real power in the demonic, but it's only a fraction of what God wields. I tend to think this is what the Annunaki were, essentially Pagan gods/fallen angels. I tend to think even Enki and Inlil (spelling?) were in this boat, whether they represented themselves that way or not.

There was also this notion of a "savage" God, which I find pops up when you get into this sort of conversation with folks who study the Bible but don't believe it (referring to a video I saw of Belingo here. It was in this series I linked below). And that's a little bit of a red flag for me, just because it's evidence of a fair bit of emotion surrounding the argument, a sort of hatred or anger towards God. Like you can grasp the concept of an almighty being, beyond time, one who spoke the universe into existence, eternal... And what's going to hold you up is a judgement you placed on this being based on your super tiny moral perspective? Seems like a small, kind've pointless argument in the scheme of things. And stuff like that gives me pause.

It's the same thing with arguments like the one linked below. It's weird to me when people substitute in stories of creation that make no sense. At least with the theory of divine creation you end up at a mystery, "the mystery of God." I can at least accept that I can't grasp the full nature of creation. Meanwhile, one explanation in this little clip is just "maybe string theory is responsible for creation." What? Which part?


Below, he is unironically talking about ancient aliens (And don't get me wrong, still down). But notice, he can’t wrap his mind around the idea that this biblical passage could be literal. If you can consider alien demi-gods as potential creator beings, but can’t fathom that maybe there’s also a different realm/dimension we can interact with in a limited fashion, even though it's an idea presented in some of the same texts… I think this calls into question some of the logic you’re operating under.


Like I said previously, I don't discount all of what Belingo is saying. Most of it seems to be pointed in the right direction. I don't know the whole body of his work, and I'm not trying to setup strawmen here. But I get the impression he's missing the mark on the spiritual nature of this story. I think there probably were/are Annunaki or something close to them. But, in Mathew 10:8, Jesus told the disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. I think this is real (I'm not saying I understand everything about it), and without the spiritual side, you (the royal you, not you you) only have part of the story. I tend to believe there's a blindness in part people contract when they ignore that.

In one of your previous posts, you asked what I really want to know. I think the most important question we should attempt to answer is what comes next. All said and done, our lives are short and purposeless independent of anything else. And I think that speaks to what existence is. I tend to think that we weren't created randomly at all, and it would make the most sense in the world if life was a test of sorts.

Lol. It's funny you mention westworld. By whatever the last season of that was (5?) I was cracking up about the messaging. "Oh, this is what they want for us," referring to the total control through sound waves and the disposable nature of the people who were left. What did you see in season 1? (I'm not even sure how well I remember that)

You should write a book. Get all of this in one coherent place, and present whatever evidence there is. I'll buy a copy.

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll check Biglino out. You don't have any worries about him working for the Vatican though?

I have mixed feelings on organized religion. There's Isaiah 1, but the Old Testament also has a lot of specifics based on how religion is supposed to work, and there's structure to it. And, in the New Testament, the apostles setup proper churches. Acts covers this quite a bit. 1 Corinthians 14 is just a random example that talks specifically about order in the church.

I think the Bible teaches that we're supposed to gather together in an organized fashion (beyond that I'm not making assertions). However, I get what you're saying. When Paul talks to the churches in Revelation, like what, 1 in 7 doesn't get reprimanded? I think a lot more people are doing it for the wrong reasons than realize it. And I agree that organized religion fails more often than not. But even so, I think the Bible is big on not forsaking the assembly of the saints.

As far as Jesus' teachings go, I'm more curious about the nuance beyond "act morally." There's the concept of grace through faith. There's some real specific prophecy. The concept of the Holy Spirit. The signs that will follow the believer:

17 And these signs will follow those who [d]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[e] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

The idea of eternal life:

27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30 I and My Father are one.”

This isn't really Jesus' teaching, but how about the armor of God? (Ephesians 6:10-18) What do you do with that?

I'm aware of a lot of these outside of the norm ideas. I am on conspiracies.win... lol. I like having my ideas challenged. Your viewpoint is particularly interesting, because you have a lot of the pieces put together. I'm not sure what the whole picture looks like, but that's what made me curious. I appreciate you sharing.

I've heard of some ideas about deleted history. "There was no dark ages..." etc. But where do you get Jesus being born in 1152 AD? Or are you just saying that's how far our calendar is off?

(Also, for whatever reason my upvotes don't seem to save. Maybe it's because this account is pretty new?)

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've definitely seen the Piri Reis map. But I guess I never fully considered that it was connected to Antarctica. You make a solid point. Me, I assumed there was some margin for error there, based on the fact that they were working 2 dimensionally when they were making those maps (essentially), and we only have a few examples that corroborate anything similar. This isn't me discounting what you're saying, though. Just throwing my thoughts out there.

I'm aware of the Sumerian king list, too. Definitely a trip. I've always assumed there was more to that particular story.

I'm also vaguely aware of this idea that there is some different more Ancient-Sumerian-friendly, for lack of a better term, translation of the Bible. Do you know where this Mauro Biglino fellow dug up this new translation?

And I'm also not one who is going to tell you there's no chance anything in the Bible was mistranslated. I've heard a fair bit of evidence to suggest otherwise. But if you're down with Jesus, do you think he was pointing humanity towards a God or the Annunaki? And... do you think he's coming back?

I agree that this is all super fascinating. But there is still this issue of trusting authorities to me. I suppose I should probably start looking more into the actual supporting evidence. Got any suggestions on where to start?

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. Interesting... I'd actually never heard of the book of Noah. Didn't know that was in the dead sea scrolls. Cool read.

I don't know about Atlantis being in Antarctica. Lately, I really like Jimmy Corsetti's Richat structure explanation on the Bright Insight channel. But I do tend to agree that there is something weird going on with Antarctica, and that it's a candidate.

This whole idea that people were eating frozen mammoths in like the 30s (kind've) and that Greenland was insta-frozen has me thinking the Pole Shift thing might be a reasonable catalyst for the flood after all. And that also plays into a bunch of other things.



It might also explain why so much of our history is lost, why the Hopi think the world has been destroyed 3 times in the past, why Plato talks about the Egyptians mentioning the same thing.

As far as people living for thousands of years, I have no idea there. I've heard that's the curse (from Genesis) doing its work. I've heard that maybe because of the weakening of the magnetic field we're just more exposed and dying sooner. I've even heard there was a vapor canopy covering the earth. Your idea though is that Noah wasn't a pure human at all?

And you used the term Yahweh. Do you believe in God then, like a greater God, creator of the the universe? It's sounding like your thought is the Annunaki were closer to him?

...And what do you think about the idea of a Messiah? That's a concept that's sort of everywhere historically.

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of that I'm familiar with, but you have some specifics I've never heard before, like the expedition size. And yea, I was wondering what you'd think of the hybrids/angels/giants.

So, I'm definitely more familiar with the Biblical and apocryphal side of things. But I'm at least aware of a lot of these ideas. Lately, I've been looking into the notion that Noah was one of the last non-corrupt humans (genetically speaking) left on Earth after this whole Nephilim debacle. Do you think that's why God flooded the earth? Or do you lean toward happenstance (pole shifts?), or something else altogether?

Also, the "authorities" issue is interesting. It gets kind've squirrely going back that far though, right? To some degree you have to pick which authorities you listen to. I tend to look for what makes sense, connect the dots, and go with my gut in these instances. You got anything that makes you really certain of this whole story, or is it just the best explanation you have at the moment?

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think we're pretty on the same page as far as modern aliens go.

What do you think the Annunaki were? Do you think they were a creator race? Or do you think there's some crossover with the Watchers/Nephilim from the book of Enoch?

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure. I was just under the impression project Blue Beam was in the vein of Operation Lockstep, Northwoods, Sea Spray, Event 201, etc. I assumed there was some sort of paper trail is all.

Even if not, I think viewing something like "aliens" with a healthy bit of skepticism is a good way to go. Better to assume you're consuming some sort of propaganda with anything you look at on the internet these days, until proven otherwise.

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting read. I think it points in the right direction, but I was hoping for something a bit more concrete.

honestn8 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think human interaction in an event precludes divine interaction with the same event. There's a human element in a lot of the biblical miracles.

You're right about Jewish behavior. I wouldn't suggest the Jews were perfect. Even in the old testament, like half the time they're being reprimanded by God in one way or another. I'd suggest they're an important group of God's people and a lot of prophecy surrounds them.

That said, I'm unfamiliar with the problem linking the old and new testament... Unless this problem is Jesus? And if so, there's lots of predictions of a coming Messiah in the old testament. Genesis 49, Isaiah 9, Isaiah 42, and Daniel 9 in combination with Nehemiah 2 even gives us a specific date, which seems to line up pretty on the nose with Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem.

But maybe I'm missing something there, is it Jesus you think doesn't line up between old and new testament, or something else?

honestn8 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ahhh. I thought you were talking religion.

It's kinda hard to have any version of modern Christianity that isn't pro-Jew, right? Like the Bible is pretty pro-Jew (minus those times when they're out of line). Folks like Martin Luther didn't think so, but that was largely because he didn't think Israel would ever exist again. With Israel's reemergence, which would seem to be a deep three point shot on the fulfillment of some pretty significant biblical prophecy, would you expect Christians to be something other than pro-Jew?

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