Are you saying that Jesus, who performed circumcism, sucked dicks? That’s pretty blasphemous! See you in hell! (From heaven)!
Ha ha! Keep believing that! I am 6’2” 210 pure muscle. All your muscles are between your ears. You kids are probably mine. I would get that checked if I were you!
I am going to foreclose on your house AND fuck your wife. I’m here in the USA to stay, baby. Remember, medium starch in my shirts, shithead!
Jesus loves Jews. He hates golem, like the Romans, who killed him. Like you!
Jesus and I will be looking down on you… laughing. You are the satanist. Learn to appreciate your betters.
No. She was a Jewish woman. Exactly like Mary. Next logical step?
Your God is Jewish. When will you hypocrites ever learn.
Ask your mom, son.