glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

FTA - Every measure that the Biden Administration strategists have been making to “control energy inflation” is damaging the supply or inflating the price of natural gas, oil and coal to the global economy. This is having a huge impact on fertilizer prices and food production. That began well before Ukraine. Now reports are circulating that Biden’s people have intervened to block the freight rail shipping of fertilizer at the most critical time for spring planting. By this autumn the effects will be explosive. With the crucial time for USA spring planting at its critical phase, CF Industries of Deerfield, Illinois, the largest US supplier of nitrogen fertilizers as well as a vital diesel engine additive, issued a press release stating that, “On Friday, April 8, 2022, Union Pacific informed CF Industries without advance notice that it was mandating certain shippers to reduce the volume of private cars on its railroad effective immediately.” Union Pacific is one of only four major rail companies that together carry some 80% of all US agriculture rail freight. The CF company CEO, Tony Will stated, “The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers. Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all. By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.” CF Industries noted that they were one of only thirty companies subject to the severe measure, which is indefinite. They ship via Union Pacific rail lines to serve key farm states including Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and California. The ban will affect nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), as well as diesel exhaust fluid, DEF (called AdBlue in Europe). DEF is an emissions control product required for diesel trucks today. Without it engines cannot run. It is made from urea. CF Industries is the largest producer of urea, UAN and DEF in North America and its Donaldsonville Complex is the largest single production facility for the products in North America.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

FTA: In Nancy’s speeches, she talked about children being removed from their homes for profit due to incentives from the state. In 1997 Bill Clinton passed a bill called the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” It offers financial incentives from the state that increase adoption numbers.

Nancy says “To receive the adoption incentives or bonuses, local cps must have more children, they must have more merchandise to sell. Funding is available when a child is placed in a foster home with strangers, or placed in a mental health facility and medicated usually against the parents wishes. Parents are victimized by the system, that makes a profit for holding children longer and bonuses for not returning children to their parents. This is abuse of power. It is lack of accountability and it is a growing criminal political phenomenon spreading around the globe. Often times, but not always, poor parents are targeted to lose their children. Because they do not have the wherewithal to hire an attorney or to fight the system. Being poor and lacking proper housing does not mean your children should be removed. CPS has redefined poor to mean psychologically inferior, therefore it is in the best interest of the child to be removed. Best interest of course has also been redefined at the child’s expense. It has been reported over and over that six times as many child die in foster care, than in the general public. Once a child is legally kidnapped and placed in official safety the child is far more likely to suffer abuse including sexual molestation and or rape. Case workers, and social workers are often guilty of fraud, they withhold and destroy evidence, and they seek wrongly to terminated parental rights, while being protected by state immunity. There is a huge bureaucracy made up of Judges, court appointed Attorneys, Guardian ad Litems, Social Workers, State Employees, Court Investigators, Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, Foster Parents, Adoptive Parents, and on and on who are looking to the children in state care for their job security.”

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

PVC/PEX def contributes to the toxic load.

I wonder if there's a correlation between certain illnesses and office workers who work in a new building. I'm doing construction in a big, new building and on the floors where they're doing carpet the chem smell is almost to much to handle.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amazon has a self-publishing platform that is pretty easy to use Their business practices suck ass, though, so I'm not inclined to use them anymore. Supposedly, Ingram Spark is pretty reliable as a self-publishing platform, but I've not used them.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got it as a screencap from \pol\ unattached to anything else. might be from Ted Kazynski's manifesto, which is definitely worth a read.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything the Chinese apparently admire Jews for seem to be things that get everyone else labelled an anti-semite for bringing up. As per China, “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

lack of fuel. more lockdown bullshit. who knows?

glownigger8675309 19 points ago +19 / -0

thank you. i was going to do a big ass coffee table book of redpills I got from 4chan but the software/graphics is beyond me. i still have the folder, tho, and i hate not sharing it.

...and aparently someone else already did 4chan: The Book, at least in electronic form. https://archive.org/details/4chan-compendium/Gnothi%20Seauton%20-%20A%20Compendium%20of%204chan%E2%80%99s%20Redpills%20and%20Conspiracy%20Facts%20%5B4%5D/

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

'beetus been around longer than the widespread use of water filtering, but anything is possible.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

great article!

glownigger8675309 7 points ago +7 / -0

that's my understanding. didn't follow it at the time but found out more in a /pol/ redpill thread.

the whole thing was fucked from the outset. every fed involved should've gone to prison.

glownigger8675309 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep. Like seeing the satanic shit at the Vatican or murals at Denver airport or certain quotes in the Talmud.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

We could theoretically solve all our (((problems)))

doubt the fuckers will ever get in range. at least from my spot in TX. lol.

glownigger8675309 0 points ago +1 / -1

the engine doesn't come from the model of plane that supposedly hit the pentagon

nothing in vid explains away possibility of smaller airplane or airplane shaped missile

what your video doesn't explain is all the professional pilots with thousands of hours in the type of aircraft that supposedly hit the pentagon having to make multiple attempts at the same flight path in simulators.

the video doesn't at all explain how the airplane maintained it's course despite the ground effects of travelling so low to the ground for hundreds of feet on the flight characteristics/handling of the airplane type that supposedly hit the pentagon.

...but thanks for giving me a head's up on what engineering firm never to hire.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

>I have a huge desire to grow it

>I haven't the slightest desire to smoke Marijuana

I'll happily dispose of your surplus crop, good sir :)

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

>wood burning cook stove

if you've got the wood, i guess gas engines can be converted to run on wood gas. https://www.motherearthnews.com/sustainable-living/green-transportation/wood-gas-zm0z12amzroc/

congrats on having a spot to watch the collapse :)

glownigger8675309 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bread. Bullets. Bullion. Books.

Good luck, all.

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