Soros' latest trick was to short MGM two weeks before the massacre.
When you get right down to cases, the networks are incredibly complex and well disguised. The only sure thing about it is that reform or investigations are probably the most dangerous areas anyone could read. The heroin business has been pretty well mapped out from the processing labs on out. Before that, it is anyone's guess how it works. Our best bet is that human conscience intervenes. The way it is looking, there's not a whole lot of that around.
My point, exactly. Even the original designers of the internet couldn't take it and left. All except AOL. We need a heartland base web with heartland values. Nobody gives a damn about Facebook's "right speech," (in its own words, ref: Veritas)
Or, like what they, (the group on you-know-where,) did, which was to start buying everything the little p----k shorts. Play their game by getting someone on the inside to watch every move he makes. He takes every advantage of our commitment to rule of law and uses it against us.