They have eroded your rights

Bypassed the constitution multiple times with no regard for law

Sent our money to Ukraine

Keep extending emergency powers

Started a proxy war with a nuclear power

Shutdown our energy supply

Caused massive inflation

Fuck our children and indoctrinate them in school

Weaponized federal agencies against us

Started a ministry of truth temporarily that will come back as they said they are restructuring it

Locked us down

Destroyed small businesses

Destroyed incomes and households

Tried to force a deadly vaccine and killed many in the process and ruined lives

Trying to take our guns and pass broad laws with no defined examples

Allowed millions of illegals in this year alone

Instigated and coordinated a fake insurrection

Stole an election in plain sight

Have sold us to China

Congress members have fucked Chinese spies and been caught taking bribes with no repercussion

The presidents son is a crackhead, money laundering, national security risk and likely pedophile

Biden has clear dementia, and is not mentally fit, and has more corrupt business dealings out in public than any president in modern times

Most republicans in congress are RINOS and vote against our interests

They said today they will abolish the filibuster and expand supreme court for gun control

Demonized white people and are paying blacks and illegals just because their not white

Allowed mobs of Antifa and BLM to have impunity destroying, murdering, looting while calling it peaceful and telling them to keep fighting

Given our stocks of weapons to the Taliban and Ukraine which are now being sold on the black market and being wasted on a failed country

Trying to give our sovereignty to the WHO

Trying to censor speech and the internet

Are we winning?

Muh doooomer

2 more weeks

Trump will save us even though everything he did in 4 years was undone within a few days