This .win has been refreshing for the first week or two of opening, but since then it’s become invaded by shills. I’m seeing comments with up to 40+ dislikes so it’s not a small issue. Even The Donald doesn’t have this many shills and it’s a million times larger

Normally I believe in a fair grounds for both opinions, but it’s clear they are only here to shill and discredit any political conspiracies (coronavirus, election, etc)

This is the only place on the web that has a fair and open welcome to anti-commie conspiracies regarding 2020, so we must protect that.

If we allow the shills to gain momentum here then we literally become Reddit/conspiracy

That’s why they want to defund the police. So they can get their own gestapo police force in who will be 100% loyal instead of 50/50.

They may want the same for the military, but no ones gonna buy the “defund the military.” So the traitor generals up top will order the soldiers to get mandatory vaccines. They view the US military as the single biggest threat to their agenda.

You Can argue the same for the frontline medical nurses. A lot of them have been whistleblowing and being censored but if they kill off a lot of medical people and get their own in after then they can “monopolize” the medical industry too all the way to the pawns

They used this strategy for schools and govt so far (minus the vaccine) but the vaccine will give plausible deniability and accelerate the process. It took decades to infiltrate the govt but if the sheep follow mandatory vaccination orders they can assume full control within 4 years (Biden’s term)

In the unfortunate event that Biden gets slipped into the white house:

Lets get juicy. I cannot stop thinking about this. The excuse is going to be COVID-based of course. Linked to the vaccines IMO.

how long is it before trump supporters are sent to "isolation" camps so they dont contaminate the rest of population? Democrats are usually pro-vax, so statistically most who dont have the vaccine will be Conservatives. Its the perfect litmus test for

the globalists to see who to exterminate. *History repeats itself. All communist countries usually end with genocide.