Basically, there was a time limit to how long Trump could stay in office before the economy collapsed and I think his first term was only meant as a stopgap measure. Going back to when the September 11th attacks happened over 20 years ago we were already set for a major economic collapse and, with the ones that did happen after that, before trump, the deep State put in stopgap measure to keep things going but it was inevitable that it was eventually going to collapse even bigger than anything seen in recent history. I believe that collapse is what we are heading into now and this time nothing is going to be able to stop it.

The grand solar minimum is another thing that plays into this as it is going to make the winters colder for at least a few years and decrease global food production. There is also another factor which is China's belligerence in the fact that they may run out of food as a result of the grand solar minimum so they are making moves now as they are becoming desperate to keep the Communist party there in power.

The point of this post is not to try to convince anyone fully of what's going on but to give some basic information in hopes that you will do research to better understand this. I think Trump's strategy was to get in office for a few years to get things on a better track and then to have to be out of office while the major collapse occurred because the deep state is who originally set these things in motion (aside from the grand solar minimum obviously) so they need to be the ones in office when it occurs so the public rightfully blames them. Personally, I think he will come back at some point, hopefully before 2024 but there's no way to know.

One person who kind of talks about this is Cliff high, you can find his videos on places like bitchute however I think he also talks about things like Q which I'm personally highly skeptical of.